My Hero Academia Wiki
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My Hero Academia Wiki

Zenith ( (きょく) Kyoku?), full name Ninpo: Thousand Sheet Pierce - Zenith ( (にん) (ぽう) (せん) (まい) (どお) し " (きょく) " Ninpō Senmaidōshi "Kyoku"?), is an Ultimate Move performed by Edgeshot using the Foldabody Quirk.


Using his Thousand Sheet Pierce technique, Shinya stretches his body to its maximum, enters the body of another person and acts as medical suture, repairing damaged organs.[1] In this form he becomes as thin as a piece of thread; however, the longer he stays like this, the further away it eats at his life force.

Edgeshot first uses this move to successfully repair and revive Katsuki Bakugo's heart and lungs.[2]



  1. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 364.
  2. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 365.

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