My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki
The stronger the light... the darker the shadows. Even when you're away from U.A., always keep one eye on the kids.
Naomasa Tsukauchi to Toshinori Yagi in "Wild, Wild, Pussycats"

Naomasa Tsukauchi ( (つか) (うち) (なお) (まさ) Tsukauchi Naomasa?), also known as True Man (トゥルーマン Turūman?). is a detective in the Police Force.


Naomasa is a tall man with short, black hair and somewhat rectangular black eyes.

As a member of the Police Force, he is normally seen in his uniform, which consists of his signature tan overcoat and matching hat, underneath which he wears a black suit, a green tie at his neck with matching slacks, and dress shoes.

Following the Paranormal Liberation War, Naomasa has grown out a light goatee and he has developed eye bags, likely from a lack of sleep and rest. He has also been shown wearing armoured police gear.

In the aftermath of Final War, he shaves his light goatee, but still retains the eye bags.



Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi is an earnest, hardworking individual who has earned the right to be a close friend of All Might, enough so that he was even entrusted with the truth about One For All and the former's true form.

As a detective working with the law, Naomasa is strict and does not approve of vigilantism, which despite having heroic intentions, is still illegal and therefore makes them "Villains". However, despite vigilantism being illegal, he is shown to be grateful for The Crawler helping to protect the Tokyo Sky Egg from the Bomber villains.

After accidentally learning about his weakened state, one of a very small amount of people who did at the time, he develops a close relationship with All Might, becoming a confidant they could provide for each other. He is shown to take his job and the law seriously, to the point that he helps All Might with the required paperwork upon his numerous hero accomplishments. He is also hesitant with requesting All Might for help, believing that to be taking advantage of his personal contacts and be potentially compromising in the future. However, he does decide to go against police procedure to let All Might rescue the thousands, including his sister, at the Tokyo Sky Egg.

Naomasa also cares a lot for his sister, Makoto, as shown when he desperately cried for help to All Might to rescue her. Makoto would often tease her brother and challenges authority (although not to the point of committing anything illegal), which would annoy Naomasa quite a bit. However, the two can get to the point of argument, such as when Makoto argued that Pop☆Step shouldn't be treated as a villain after several bombings, while Naomasa tells her to quit arguing for the sake of it.

Despite being rigid with the law and doing things by the book, Naomasa is eventually willing to trust vigilantes, and even villains, if he knows they genuinely want to help, or can provide useful aid. He accepted a truce with Koichi and Soga, who he was in the process of trying to arrest, in order to take down Number 6. In the lead-up to the Final War, he reluctantly accepted important information given to them by Stain, though he grumbled at having to accept help from the Hero Killer.[1] During the Final War, he allowed La Brava to aid the Counter-Force, and when one of his fellow officers expressed frustration and regret over letting her help them, Naomasa stated that even with the crimes they've committed, a villain isn't always a lost cause. He later places this same trust in Gentle, who had proven himself by defending his prison from escapees prior, in preventing the U.A. Flying Fortress from crashing.[2]


Deductive Intellect: As a police detective, Naomasa likely possesses above-average powers of deduction.

Battles & Events[]

Chapter Appearances[]

Battle Trial Arc
8. Rage, You Damned Nerd Absent
9. Deku vs. Kacchan Absent
10. Breaking Bakugo Absent
11. Bakugo's Starting Line Shadow
U.S.J. Arc
12. Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Ida! Absent
13. Rescue Training Absent
14. Encounter with the Unknown Absent
15. Vs. Absent
16. Know Your Enemies Absent
17. Game Over Absent
18. Heroes' Counterattack Absent
19. All Might Absent
20. The World of Pros Absent
21. In Each of Our Hearts Debut
U.A. Sports Festival Arc
22. That's the Idea, Ochaco Appears
23. Roaring Sports Festival Absent
24. Mad Dash and Knockdown Absent
25. In Their Own Quirky Ways Absent
26. Chase Down the Leader Absent
27. Earth-Shatteringly Fateful Negotiations Absent
28. Strats, Strats, Strats Absent
29. Unaware Absent
30. Cavalry-Match Finale Absent
31. The Boy Born with Everything Absent
32. Smile, Prince of Nonsense Land! Absent
33. Shinso's Situation Absent
34. Victory or Defeat Absent
35. Battle On, Challengers! Absent
36. Bakugo vs. Uraraka Absent
37. Midoriya and Endeavor Absent
38. Todoroki vs. Midoriya Absent
39. Shoto Todoroki: Origin Absent
40. Emancipation Absent
41. Fight On, Ida Absent
42. Final-Match Time Absent
43. Todoroki vs. Bakugo Absent
44. Relaxing Day Off Absent
Vs. Hero Killer Arc
45. Time to Pick Some Names Absent
46. Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears Absent
47. Struggling Appears
48. Getting the Knack Absent
49. Midoriya and Shigaraki Absent
50. Kill 'Em Dead Absent
51. No, Knock It Off, Ida Absent
52. Hero Killer Stain vs. U.A. Students Absent
53. From Todoroki to Ida Absent
54. Re: Ingenium Absent
55. Conclusion?! Absent
56. Conclusion Absent
57. The Aftermath of Hero Killer Stain Absent
58. Internship's End Absent
59. Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past Absent
Forest Training Camp Arc
70. Wild, Wild, Pussycats Appears
71. Kota Absent
72. Day Two Absent
73. Good Evening Absent
74. Smoke Signal Absent
75. Stake Your Life, Hero! Absent
76. My Hero Absent
77. It's Okay Absent
78. Whirling Chaos Absent
79. Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!! Absent
80. Establishing the Bakugo Bodyguard Brigade Absent
81. Roaring Upheaval Absent
82. What a Twist! Absent
83. Loss Appears
Hideout Raid Arc
84. From Ida to Midoriya Appears
85. Nothing but Fools Absent
86. Before the Storm Appears
87. Clash Appears
88. All For One Appears
89. All for a Certain One Appears
90. Reach Out Absent
91. Symbol of Peace Absent
92. One For All Mentioned
93. One For All's Ember Appears
94. From Teacher to Disciple Absent
95. End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End Appears
96. Home Visits Absent
97. Tell It Like It Is, Mom Absent
Provisional Hero License Exam Arc
98. Moving into Dorms Absent
99. Goodbye Two-Digit Chapters, Hello Three Digits Absent
100. Creating Ultimate Moves Absent
101. The Girl Called Mei Hatsume Absent
102. On Cloud Nine Absent
103. The Test Absent
104. White-Hot Battle! To Each Their Own Strengths! Absent
105. Shiketsu High Lurking Absent
106. Class 1-A Absent
107. Denki Kaminari's Thoughts Absent
108. RUSH! Absent
109. Rescue Exercise Absent
110. Rescue Exercise Continued Absent
111. Smoldering Start Absent
112. What's the Big Idea? Absent
113. Test's Aftermath Absent
114. Results' Aftermath Absent
115. Unleashed Absent
116. Meeting in Tartarus Appears
117. A Talk About Your Quirk Absent
118. Meaningless Battle Absent
119. Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2 Absent
120. The Three Absent
121. Second Semester Opening Ceremony Absent
Shie Hassaikai Arc
122. A Season for Encounters Absent
123. Unrivaled Absent
124. Trouble Ahead!! Episode: Work Studies Appears
125. Overhaul Absent
126. Open Up, World Absent
127. Sir Nighteye and Izuku Midoriya and Mirio Togata and All Might Absent
128. Boy Meets... Absent
129. Eri Absent
130. Listen to the Truth Absent
131. Fighting Fate Absent
132. The Plan Absent
133. Catch Up, Kirishima Absent
134. Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot Absent
135. An Unpleasant Talk Mentioned
136. Close at Hand!! Absent
137. Restraint!! Absent
138. Go!! Mentioned
139. Shudder! The Underground Labyrinth Absent
140. Suneater of the Big Three Absent
141. Hassaikai: Behind the Scenes Absent
142. Shield and Shield, Spear and Shield Absent
143. Let’s Rumble, Rappa!! Absent
144. Red Riot, Part 1 Absent
145. Red Riot, Part 2 Absent
146. Temp Squad Absent
147. Twoga!! Absent
148. The Anguish of Young Twoga Absent
149. Don't Get Mad, Irinaka Absent
150. Mirio Togata Absent
151. Mirio Togata!! Absent
152. Lemillion Absent
153. Transform! Absent
154. Unforeseen Hope Absent
155. Saviors, the Saved and a Hero's Place Absent
156. The Power of Those Saved Absent
157. Infinite 100 Percent Absent
158. Chisaki's Warped Compassion Absent
159. It's Over!! Absent
160. Expressway Absent
161. Bright Future Absent
162. Suitable One Appears
Remedial Course Arc
163. Smoldering Flames Flashback
164. Masegaki Absent
165. Win Those Kids' Hearts Absent
166. Be Proud, License Trainees Absent
167. Number One Hero's Starting Line Absent
168. The Strange Tale of Aoyama Absent
Endeavor Agency Arc
241. Do That Interview! Absent
242. Have a Merry Christmas! Appears
243. Off to Endeavor's Agency! Absent
244. Recommended Reading Absent
245. Rise to Action Absent
246. Message Appears
247. Status Report! Absent
248. One Thing at a Time Absent
249. The Hellish Todoroki Family Absent
250. Ending Absent
251. Just One Week Absent
252. The Unforgiven Absent
Paranormal Liberation War Arc
253. Shirakumo Appears
254. More of a Hero than Anyone Appears
255. Hero Hopeful Appears
256. The High, Deep Blue Sky Absent
257. Pass It Forward, to Whomever Mentioned
258. Friends Absent
259. A Quiet Beginning Appears
260. Life's Work Appears
261. High-Ends Absent
262. Mirko, the No. 5 Hero Absent
263. I Wanna Be with You Guys!! Absent
264. One's Justice Absent
265. Villains and Heroes Absent
266. Happy Life Absent
267. Flames Absent
268. Scramble! Absent
269. The Three of Us Absent
270. Inheritance Flashback
271. Dark Cloud Absent
272. Good Morning! Absent
273. The Thrill of Destruction Absent
274. Search Absent
275. Encounter, Part 2 Absent
276. You Cheated...! Absent
277. Who...? Absent
278. Disaster Walker Absent
279. League of Villains vs. U.A. Students Absent
280. Red Riot, Part 3 Absent
281. Plus Ultra Absent
282. Footfall of Destruction Absent
283. 75 Absent
284. Deep Blue Battle Absent
285. Katsuki Bakugo Rising Absent
286. The Ones Within Us Absent
287. Mistake Absent
288. Save Takeo!! Absent
289. Miss Candid and Miss Shut-Away Absent
290. Dabi's Dance Absent
291. Thanks For Going Strong Absent
292. Threads of Hope Absent
293. Hero-Saturated Society Absent
294. Final Performance Absent
295. Tenacious Absent
296. Hellish Hell Absent
297. Tartarus Absent
298. Sounds of Collapse Absent
299. Like Those Tragic Tales Absent
300. The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part 2 Absent
301. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 1 Absent
302. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 2 Absent
303. Top Three Absent
304. Izuku Midoriya and Toshinori Yagi Absent
305. Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki Absent
306. The Final Act Begins Absent
Dark Hero Arc
307. Been a While!! Absent
308. Full Power!! Absent
309. Can't Be a Child Anymore Absent
310. Masters and Pupil Absent
311. Here We Go!! Absent
312. Hired Gun Absent
313. High-Speed Long-Range Mobile Cannon Absent
314. The Lovely Lady Nagant Absent
315. Platitudes Absent
316. Your Turn Absent
317. Scars, Blood, Filth Absent
318. Reckless Absent
319. Friend Absent
320. Deku vs. Class A Absent
321. From Class A to One For All Absent
322. Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight Absent
323. That Single Step Absent
324. A Young Woman's Declaration Absent
325. The Bonds of One For All Absent
326. Who Are You Really? Absent
327. Rest!! Absent
328. No Man Is an Island Appears
Star and Stripe Arc
329. In the Nick of Time, a Big-Time Maverick from the West! Voice
330. Me and Myself Absent
331. United States of America Absent
332. State-of-the-Art Hypersonic Intercontinental Cruise... Absent
333. Specter Absent
334. Parting Gift Appears
U.A. Traitor Arc
335. Zygotes Absent
336. Villain Absent
337. A Disposable Life Appears
338. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 1 Appears
339. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 2 Absent
340. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 3 Appears
341. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part -1 Absent
342. The Extreme Quiet Before the Storm Appears
Final War Arc
343. Let You Down Mentioned
344. Stars Appears
345. Division Absent
346. Super Hyper Unfair Broken Stage Absent
347. Inflation Absent
348. Unrequited Absent
349. Battle Flame Absent
350. Bound to a Fiery Fate Absent
351. Two Flashfires Absent
352. Ultimate Moves Absent
353. Endeavor Appears
354. Oopsie Daisy!! Absent
355. Extras Absent
356. Regarding the Enemy Absent
357. Wounded Hero, Burning Bright and True!! Absent
358. The Guy Who's Made Some Progress Absent
359. Place of Learning Absent
360. Despite It All... Absent
361. Abnormal Happenings Absent
362. Light Fades to Rain Absent
363. Those Who Defend, Those Who Violate Absent
364. Why We Wield Power Absent
365. No. 4 and No. 5 Absent
366. Full Moon Absent
367. Deku vs. All For One Absent
368. Rev Up, One For All Absent
369. A Chain of Events, Across the Ages Absent
370. HIStory Absent
371. Together with Shoji Absent
372. Naked Absent
373. Friends Absent
374. Butterfly Effect Absent
375. Chaotic Confusion Absent
376. On Knife's Edge Absent
377. The Chain Thus Far Appears
378. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 4 Appears
379. Hopes Absent
380. A Skosh Appears
381. Dark Voice
382. Don't Let Him Go Mentioned
383. Meek Spirits Appears
384. It's a Small World Absent
385. The Impulses of Youth Appears
386. I AM HERE Appears
387. Congealing Absent
388. Toya Absent
389. Assurance and Prayers Absent
390. Shoto Todoroki Rising Appears
391. Rejecting the World Absent
392. Villain Name Absent
393. A Girl's Ego Absent
394. Ochaco Uraraka vs. Himiko Toga Absent
395. Built Upon the Joy of Others Absent
396. Battle Without A Quirk Appears
397. Trash Cleanup Absent
398. Toshinori Yagi: Rising/Origin Appears
399. Organic, Mingling Clusters of Light Absent
400. Beyond Limits Absent
401. The Lunatic Absent
402. The Tearful Days Appears
403. The End of an Era, and... the Beginning Appears
404. We Love You, All Might!! Appears
405. The Final Boss!! Appears
406. Get a Grip on Your Quirk!! Appears
407. An Exceptional Child Absent
408. The Eyes Tell All!! Absent
409. Quirk: Explosion!! Absent
410. Farewell, All For One!! Absent
411. History's Greatest Villain Absent
412. History's Maddest Hero Absent
413. Leaden Mass Absent
414. Overlay Absent
415. Rejection Absent
416. Wrench It Open, Izuku Midoriya!! Absent
417. Shimura Absent
418. Meek Spirits Absent
419. Design Absent
420. From Aizawa Flashback
421. We Are Here Absent
422. Izuku Midoriya Rising Appears
423. One For All vs. All For One Absent
424. Epilogue Mentioned
Epilogue Arc
425. Unseasonable Mentioned
426. The Hellish Todoroki Family: Final Absent
427. Who Was Tomura Shigaraki, Really? Appears
428. The Girl Who Loves Smiles Absent
429. I Am Here Absent
430. My Hero Academia Absent
431. More Absent

Anime Appearances[]

Season 1
1. Izuku Midoriya: Origin Absent
2. What It Takes to Be a Hero Absent
3. Roaring Muscles Absent
4. Start Line Absent
5. What I Can Do for Now Absent
6. Rage, You Damn Nerd Absent
7. Deku vs. Kacchan Absent
8. Bakugo's Start Line Shadow
9. Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Ida! Absent
10. Encounter with the Unknown Absent
11. Game Over Absent
12. All Might Absent
13. In Each of Our Hearts Debut
Season 2
14. That's the Idea, Ochaco Appears
15. Roaring Sports Festival Absent
16. In Their Own Quirky Ways Absent
17. Strategy, Strategy, Strategy Absent
18. Cavalry Battle Finale Absent
19. The Boy Born with Everything Absent
20. Victory or Defeat Absent
21. Battle on, Challengers! Absent
22. Bakugo vs. Uraraka Absent
23. Shoto Todoroki: Origin Absent
24. Fight on, Ida Absent
25. Todoroki vs. Bakugo Absent
26. Time to Pick Some Names Absent
27. Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears Absent
28. Midoriya and Shigaraki Appears
29. Hero Killer: Stain vs U.A. Students Absent
30. Climax Absent
31. The Aftermath of Hero Killer: Stain Mentioned
32. Everyone's Internships Absent
33. Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past Absent
34. Gear up for Final Exams Absent
35. Yaoyorozu: Rising Absent
36. Stripping the Varnish Absent
37. Katsuki Bakugo: Origin Absent
38. Encounter Appears
Season 3
39. Game Start Appears
40. Wild, Wild Pussycats Absent
41. Kota Absent
42. My Hero Absent
43. Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!! Absent
44. Roaring Upheaval Absent
45. What a Twist! Appears
46. From Ida to Midoriya Appears
47. All For One Appears
48. Symbol of Peace Appears
49. One For All Flashback
50. End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End Appears
51. Moving into Dorms Absent
52. Create Those Ultimate Moves Absent
53. The Test Absent
54. Shiketsu High Lurking Absent
55. Class 1-A Absent
56. RUSH! Absent
57. Rescue Exercises Absent
58. Special Episode: Save the World with Love! Absent
59. What's the Big Idea? Absent
60. A Talk about Your Quirk Appears
61. Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2 Absent
62. A Season for Encounters Absent
63. Unrivaled Appears
Season 4
64. The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A Absent
65. Overhaul Appears
66. Boy Meets... Absent
67. Fighting Fate Absent
68. Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot Absent
69. An Unpleasant Talk Mentioned
70. GO!! Mentioned
71. Suneater of the Big Three Absent
72. Red Riot Absent
73. Temp Squad Absent
74. Lemillion Absent
75. Unforeseen Hope Absent
76. Infinite 100% Absent
77. Bright Future Absent
78. Smoldering Flames Appears
79. Win Those Kids' Hearts Absent
80. Relief for License Trainees Absent
81. School Festival Absent
82. Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part Absent
83. Gold Tips Imperial Absent
84. Deku vs. Gentle Criminal Absent
85. School Festival Start!! Absent
86. Let It Flow! School Festival! Absent
87. Japanese Hero Billboard Chart Absent
88. His Start Absent
Season 5
89. All Hands on Deck! Class 1-A Absent
90. Vestiges Absent
91. Clash! Class A vs. Class B! Absent
92. Make It Happen, Shinso! Absent
93. Operation New Improv Moves Absent
94. Foresight Absent
95. Match 3 Absent
96. Match 3 Conclusion Absent
97. Early Bird! Absent
98. That Which Is Inherited Flashback
99. Our Brawl Absent
100. The New Power and All For One Absent
101. Have a Merry Christmas! Screen
102. Off to Endeavor's Agency! Absent
103. One Thing at a Time Absent
104. Long Time No See, Selkie Absent
105. The Hellish Todoroki Family Absent
106. The Unforgiven Absent
107. More of a Hero Than Anyone Appears
108. My Villain Academia Absent
109. Revival Party Flashback
110. Sad Man's Parade Absent
111. Tenko Shimura: Origin Absent
112. Tomura Shigaraki: Origin Absent
113. The High, Deep Blue Sky Mentioned
Season 6
114. A Quiet Beginning Appears
115. Mirko, the No. 5 Hero Absent
116. One's Justice Absent
117. Inheritance Absent
118. The Thrill of Destruction Absent
119. Encounter, Part 2 Absent
120. Disaster Walker Absent
121. League of Villains Vs. U.A. Students Absent
122. Katsuki Bakugo Rising Absent
123. The Ones Within Us Absent
124. Dabi's Dance Absent
125. Threads of Hope Absent
126. Final Performance Absent
127. Hellish Hell Appears
128. Tartarus Absent
129. The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part 2 Absent
130. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire Absent
131. Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki Absent
132. Full Power!! Absent
133. Hired Gun Absent
134. The Lovely Lady Nagant Absent
135. Friend Absent
136. Deku vs. Class A Absent
137. A Young Woman's Declaration Absent
138. No Man Is an Island Appears
Season 7
139. In the Nick of Time! A Big-Time Maverick from the West! Voice
140. Specter Appears
141. Villain Appears
142. The Story of How We All Became Heroes Appears
143. Let You Down Appears
144. Division Appears
145. Inflation Flashback
146. Two Flashfires Absent
147. Extras Appears
148. Wounded Hero, Burning Bright and True!! Absent
149. Light Fades To Rain Absent
150. Those Who Defend, Those Who Violate Absent
151. A Chain of Events, Across the Ages Absent
152. Together with Shoji Absent
153. Butterfly Effect Absent
154. The Chain Thus Far Appears
155. Hopes Appears
156. It's a Small World Appears
157. I Am Here Appears
158. A Girl's Ego Absent
159. Battle Without A Quirk Appears

Vigilantes Chapter Appearances[]

Vigilantes Beginnings Arc
1. "I'm Here" Absent
2. Takeoff Absent
3. Nice Guy Reborn Debut
4. Honesty Absent
5. Bee Appears
6. No Need to Hold Back Absent
6+ Alpha. Hero Conference Appears
6+ Beta. Hero Visit Appears
7. Top Runner Absent
7.5. Appearance Matters Absent
8. Him Absent
Vs. Queen Bee Arc
12. Senpai Appears
13. Makoto/Truth Appears
14. MAJOR Absent
15. Playboy Absent
16. Mom Descends Absent
17. Tag Team! Absent
18. Force of Will Acceleration! Absent
19. Family Absent
20. Event Announcement! Absent
21. Ensemble, Assemble! Absent
22. The Day Of Fantasy
23. Daughter Absent
24. A Father-Daughter Talk Absent
25. Goodbye to Dad Absent
26. Tamao Appears
27. Business as Usual Absent
28. What a Man Takes with Him Absent
Osaka Incident Arc
29. Equipment Issues Absent
30. Cooperation Request Appears
31. Day-Tripping Down to Naniwa! Appears
32. Idols Keep Their Secrets! Appears
33. Stumbling into Nasty Business! Appears
34. Crabtastic Rampage! Appears
35. Blown-Up Hero?! See Ya Later! Appears
Sky Egg Arc
36. Must-Have Merchandise Mentioned
37. Public and Private Appears
38. High-Speed Appears
39. A Rational Man Absent
40. A Rational Team-Up Absent
41. Ultimate Move! Appears
42. Mixer Flashback
43. Casanova Appears
44. One Outrageous Traveler Appears
45. The Man Returns Absent
46. Christmas Eve Hero Absent
47. Farewell Party! Appears
48. Investigation Start! Steamy Romance Spotted?! Appears
49. Zero Hour Appears
50. Defend the Tower! Absent
51. I Do What I Can Absent
52. Balloon Soul Appears
53. Limits and Catastrophe Absent
54. Hotline Appears
55. This Is a Hero!! Appears
56. I'm No Hero Absent
57. Explosive Man Appears
58. International Flight Home Appears
Final Performance Arc
66. Graduation and Career Path Absent
67. Professional / International / Spicy Curry Absent
68. I'd Better Not Lose Absent
69. Hero on the Scene Absent
70. True Self Absent
71. Thanks for the Guidance Absent
72. Searching for You Absent
73. The Queen Descends Absent
74. After the Storm Appears
75. Letter Absent
76. Deadly Weapon Absent
77. Strategy Absent
78. Dispatch Appears
79. Inferno Number Two Appears
80. Who's That, Now? Appears
81. Bee My Pop Appears
82. High-Speed Hero II Absent
83. Earthbound Perp Appears
84. Dreams of a Hero Absent
85. Questioning Appears
Underground Masquerade Arc
86. Underground Fighting Tournament Appears
87. Rap Rap Rap Absent
88. Hidden Face, Bare Ears Absent
89. Super-Smashing Tiger Bunny! Absent
90. Team-Up in the Underground Absent
91. Dash Ahead to Plan B Absent
92. Might Signal Absent
93. Three-Second-Back-and-Forth Absent
94. Underground Roots Absent
94.5. Tanuma Report Appears
Naruhata Lockdown Arc
95. Moon Appears
96. Negotiations Appears
97. Pursuers Absent
98. Intentional Persuasion Technique Appears
99. Faceless Invasion Appears
100. Detonate! Mentioned
101. Soar into the Night Mentioned
102. Intruder Appears
103. Should've Aimed for the Head Appears
104. This Face Appears
105. Commence Operation Escape Appears
106. Crawler Chase Absent
107. Hundred-Hit Rush Absent
108. Things That Live in the Abyss Absent
109. Encirclement Appears
110. Careless Absent
111. Return of the Fist Flashback
112. The Ends to Miscalculation Absent
113. The Worst Villain Absent
114. Dogfight Appears
115. Conclusion to Power Absent
116. The Final Lesson Absent
117. The Absolute Worst One Absent
118. Golden Age Absent
119. That's Why I'm... Absent
120. Rootin' For Ya! Absent
121. Reinforcements Arrive Absent
122. One-Two Finish Appears
123. Bye Bye, Hero Appears
124. Forever Appears
125. Each of Our Futures Absent
126. The Skycrawler Rising Appears


Naomasa Tsukauchi Sketch

Prototype design.

  • In his prototype design, Naomasa had the suit unbuttoned, a vest, striped pants, and more details on the sleeves; he did not wear gloves.
  • Originally, his last name was Tsukanai.[3]
  • According to the official Twitter, his Code Name is "True Man".
  • Naomasa shares his birthday with Tomura Shigaraki, Recovery Girl, and Kesagiri Man.
  • Naomasa's favorite thing is baseball.[4]
  • The kanji in Naomasa Tsukauchi include the following: Nao (? lit. straight), masa (? lit. correct, justice, righteous), Tsuka (? lit. mound), and uchi (? lit. inside, within).
  • According to Horikoshi in Jump Festa 2024, he was supposed to be a spy working under All For One's control.


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 328 and Episode 138.
  2. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 378.
  3. My Hero Academia: Ultra Archive: The Official Character Guide.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 3, Omake

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