Naomasa is a tall man with short, black hair and somewhat rectangular black eyes.
As a member of the Police Force, he is normally seen in his uniform, which consists of his signature tan overcoat and matching hat, underneath which he wears a black suit, a green tie at his neck with matching slacks, and dress shoes.
Following the Paranormal Liberation War, Naomasa has grown out a light goatee and he has developed eye bags, likely from a lack of sleep and rest. He has also been shown wearing armoured police gear.
In the aftermath of Final War, he shaves his light goatee, but still retains the eye bags.
Detective Uniform
Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi is an earnest, hardworking individual who has earned the right to be a close friend of All Might, enough so that he was even entrusted with the truth about One For All and the former's true form.
As a detective working with the law, Naomasa is strict and does not approve of vigilantism, which despite having heroic intentions, is still illegal and therefore makes them "Villains". However, despite vigilantism being illegal, he is shown to be grateful for The Crawler helping to protect the Tokyo Sky Egg from the Bomber villains.
After accidentally learning about his weakened state, one of a very small amount of people who did at the time, he develops a close relationship with All Might, becoming a confidant they could provide for each other. He is shown to take his job and the law seriously, to the point that he helps All Might with the required paperwork upon his numerous hero accomplishments. He is also hesitant with requesting All Might for help, believing that to be taking advantage of his personal contacts and be potentially compromising in the future. However, he does decide to go against police procedure to let All Might rescue the thousands, including his sister, at the Tokyo Sky Egg.
Naomasa also cares a lot for his sister, Makoto, as shown when he desperately cried for help to All Might to rescue her. Makoto would often tease her brother and challenges authority (although not to the point of committing anything illegal), which would annoy Naomasa quite a bit. However, the two can get to the point of argument, such as when Makoto argued that Pop☆Step shouldn't be treated as a villain after several bombings, while Naomasa tells her to quit arguing for the sake of it.
Despite being rigid with the law and doing things by the book, Naomasa is eventually willing to trust vigilantes, and even villains, if he knows they genuinely want to help, or can provide useful aid. He accepted a truce with Koichi and Soga, who he was in the process of trying to arrest, in order to take down Number 6. In the lead-up to the Final War, he reluctantly accepted important information given to them by Stain, though he grumbled at having to accept help from the Hero Killer.[1] During the Final War, he allowed La Brava to aid the Counter-Force, and when one of his fellow officers expressed frustration and regret over letting her help them, Naomasa stated that even with the crimes they've committed, a villain isn't always a lost cause. He later places this same trust in Gentle, who had proven himself by defending his prison from escapees prior, in preventing the U.A. Flying Fortress from crashing.[2]
Deductive Intellect: As a police detective, Naomasa likely possesses above-average powers of deduction.
The kanji in Naomasa Tsukauchi include the following: Nao (直,Nao? lit. straight), masa (正,masa? lit. correct, justice, righteous), Tsuka (塚,Tsuka? lit. mound), and uchi (内,uchi? lit. inside, within).
According to Horikoshi in Jump Festa 2024, he was supposed to be a spy working under All For One's control.