My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki


Keigo enduring his abusive childhood

Keigo enduring a traumatic and abusive childhood.

Keigo Takami was born on the island of Kyushu, Fukuoka. He was conceived after his mother, Tomie, helped harbor his father after he committed a murder. The floor of what's assumed to be Keigo's childhood home was shown to be littered with garbage, broken shards and alcohol bottles, and Keigo himself was portrayed as an expressionless, quiet child.

Keigo experienced a traumatic and abusive childhood, being forced to stay home at all times in order to ensure he didn't rat his father out. At some point in the past, his mother decided to take him outside after he kept insisting and purchased an Endeavor doll for him. Because of this isolation from the world and no interactions with anyone else besides his parents, he grew up watching Heroes on television and believed they were only fictional characters.

Episode 129

Keigo realizes that heroes do exist all along.

One day, Keigo felt his feathers tingling and went into the city, suspecting something was happening in the city, but returned when he discovered it was nothing. Upon returning, his father yelled at him for leaving the house and suspected Keigo ratted him out, and despite saying he didn't, Keigo's father ordered him never to leave the house or interact with anyone. When Keigo went into a corner, his father kicked him, telling Keigo never to turn his back on him while muttering how he'd be free if his son had never been born. Keigo endured all of this abuse from his parents, suppressing his emotions and hoping to avoid becoming broken like they were.

Shortly afterwards, his father was caught and arrested by Endeavor. Upon learning this, Keigo was greatly shocked since he'd always believed that heroes were fictional, being even more impactful since the hero who'd arrested his father and saved him from the life of abuse was none other than the man whose plushie he carried. Keigo and his mother were forced to flee their home out of fear of being arrested for harboring a fugitive.

Young Keigo rescuing people

Keigo rescuing citizens from a car accident.

Since Tomie didn't have any proper skills to make a living, the two were forced to live on the streets. When Keigo told his mother they should go to the police, Tomie replied that he get them some money, however it took, asking why she had Keigo in the first place and what use his wings were.

This statement made Keigo angered and determined to be useful, so he went out and saved the lives of many people from a high-speed car accident. The public was shocked to discover the savior was a young child, and Keigo was approached by the Hero Public Safety Commission. After being informed of the situation by Keigo, the commission approached Tomie, offering both of them compensation and protection so long as they abandoned the "Takami" name.[1]

Public Safety Commission recruits young Keigo Takami

Keigo found by the HPSC as a child.

After the incident, the Hero Public Safety Commission separated him from his mother and decided to train him as a hero.[2] It was stated that the commission drilled interpersonal skills into him from a young age, so he could master the art of deception and infiltration.[3] The commission forced him to abandon his real name and made him undergo years of hard training, which he accepted in order to be a hero like his idol, Endeavor.[4]

Keigo soon started his own hero agency around the age of 18. By the second half of that same year, he managed to reach Japan's Top 10 Pro Hero rankings before the age of 20, making him the first to be in the Top 10 at a young age. Four years later, Keigo reached the No. 3 Pro Hero rank, only behind All Might and Endeavor, without even trying. Unlike many heroes, Keigo was never really interested in being the strongest or being like All Might; instead, he admired Endeavor.[5]

Hawks agrees to the Commission's request

Hawks agrees to act as a double agent.

During the rise of the League of Villains, Keigo took on Fumikage Tokoyami as an intern at his office. Keigo wanted to gain more information about the villain group, and so decided to pick Fumikage because he placed third at the U.A. Sports Festival and because they're both bird-like humanoids. However, during his internship, Keigo fought crime too fast for Fumikage to keep up with, and, when talking to him, only showed interest in information about the League.

After the attack in Kamino, Yokohama, the HPSC approached Keigo with the command that he had to become a double agent to infiltrate the League of Villains. Keigo had no choice but to accept the order.[6]

Hawks flies with Fumikage

Keigo takes Fumikage for a flight.

Fumikage returned to Keigo's side for his Hero Work-Study. This time, Fumikage tried again to keep up with Keigo using new techniques, and, impressed, Keigo took his protƩgƩ for a flight over the city as a reward. He commended Fumikage for compensating for his weakness but advised him to improve on his strengths as well. Keigo believed that Fumikage had wings and didn't need to be confined to the ground. Keigo's "Be free like a bird" tutelage allowed Fumikage to develop his Black Fallen Angel Ultimate Move.[7]


Pro Hero Arc[]

Hawks stealing the show

Hawks leaves a unique impact on the top Pro Heroes.

In November, Hawks is present in the second half of the year's Hero Billboard Chart JP. During the event, it is announced that Keigo rose up one rank to No. 2 in the Top 10 hero ranking.[8] Disinterested in the speeches of the other heroes, Hawks interrupts Edgeshot and takes the microphone.

Hawks flies above the podium and gives a speech about how the approval rating system is the most important of all and how he disdains the speeches of the other heroes. Hawks flies down and hands the microphone over to Endeavor. After Endeavor's assuring statement, Hawks applauds him.

Endeavor mad at Hawks

Endeavor is angry at Hawks for disrespecting the other Pros.

Backstage in Endeavor's room, Hawks is talking to a displeased Endeavor, since he enraged him during the event. Hawks explains that he tried to help Endeavor on the podium as he sees that Endeavor is fit to be a new leader to support everyone after All Might's retirement and expresses that he sees himself not fit to have that role, preferring to be in the lower ranks. Before Endeavor leaves dissatisfied with him, he requests Endeavor for a team-up as there has been an increase in concerning sightings in his area, reminding Endeavor about the Nomus, to the Flame Hero's shock.[5]

Hawks brings Endeavor to Kyushu where he decides where they will eat to discuss the proposal of working together. As they walk, Hawks uses his feathers to assist and rescue. He effortlessly takes out an extreme follower of Destro's ideology, he saves a dog from being run over and helps a granny to climb the stairs. It also turns out to be very popular, since many people approach him to ask for autographs or to take photos with him. Endeavor tries to do the same with a fan of his, but it turns out that the hardcore fan dislikes his new persona because the "real Endeavor isn't supposed to give fan service", and leaves disappointed.

Endeavor and Hawks in the restaurant

Endeavor and Hawks talk about the rumors.

Later, while eating lunch at a yakitori restaurant at the top of the Umai building, Hawks laughs at Endeavor's experience. His carefree attitude starts to anger Endeavor, who demands him to tell him about the Nomu. Hawks tells Endeavor about the appearing rumors of the Nomus around the country instilling fear in the civilians and asks Endeavor, as the No. 1 hero, to verify the rumors and show the citizens that there is nothing to fear.

After getting the check, they are attacked by the rumored Nomu. Hawks is tasked by Endeavor to evacuate the building while he battles the creature. He attacks with Jet Burn to punch the monster back outside. Then, he goes outside and uses flame jets to float in the air, challenging the creature to face him.[9] Hawks is surprised that Endeavor can fly to which Endeavor considers it "not falling" and warns him not to underestimate the Nomu they are facing. High-End starts regenerating and comments on Endeavor's foolish attempt to finish it off in one strike.

Fierce Wings

Hawks uses his feathers to rescue everyone in the danger zone.

High-End smashes Endeavor across the building, so the top half of the building begins collapsing. Hawks uses his wings to get all the injured civilians out of the building first. As Hawks' feathers begin delivering the injured down to safety, Hawks himself joins the fight and launches three feathers, which successfully strike its arm. Endeavor uses an advanced version of Hell Spider and strikes High-End with multiple fire streams that cut up its body. Keigo wonders if this move is his strongest, to which Endeavor comments about it not even being close. The cut-up High-End begins regenerating, and comments on the fight being interesting.[10]

Endeavor continues his battle with High-End and uses his fire streams to cut up the collapsing top half of the building. Hawks assists with cutting up the top half with his feathers and they manage to stop the building from collapsing. High-End continues regenerating but is hit by one of the Pro Heroes on the ground. Annoyed, High-End releases and sends several white Nomu to attack the Pro Heroes and civilians. Hawks uses his feathers as blades and cuts through two white Nomu, saving civilians in the process.

Feather Blades (Anime)

Hawks uses his Feather Blades to take down the Nomus.

After High-End survives Endeavor's strongest attack, Hawks shouts a warning to the Flame Hero, but High-End strikes Endeavor, impaling his torso and striking him in the face, injuring his left eye.[11]

On the ground, Hawks deals with the rampaging Nomu as the security forces take them into custody. Hawks notes to himself that he was fortunate they weren't too strong before he was alerted of the destruction caused by Endeavor and High-End. Hawks later makes it to the fight where he uses his feathers to enhance Endeavor's speed, allowing Endeavor to be launched at the villain. Hawks reminisces that he always watched the latter struggle to surpass All Might and voiced his desire to help Endeavor in his task.[12]

Hawks assists Endeavor in the battle

Hawks assists Endeavor in the battle.

As Endeavor attacks High-End, the impact of his attack blows Hawks away and he is surprised by the speed. Endeavor screams for Hawks to give him more speed to help, Hawks complies but points out that his feathers are now practically ash. Endeavor states it is more than enough and uses it to send him and the Nomu far from the city. With nothing to stand in his way, Endeavor uses an enhanced version of Prominence Burn, dubbed "PLUS ULTRA Prominence Burn", noting he always hated his old school's motto, to destroy High-End for good.

Endeavor emerges from the destruction and strikes a pose, similar to All Might's to show he is victorious. Hawks comes to his aid and the two share banter about the pose before moving to get help for Endeavor's wounds. However, they don't get very far as Dabi appears on the scene, and Hawks is confused by the latter's familiarity with Endeavor.[13]

Hawks threatens Dabi (Anime)

Hawks meets with Dabi and threatens him.

Later on, Hawks meets with Dabi in an alley, they discuss their initial plan and Keigo is angry that Dabi didn't keep to it but he tells Hawks he couldn't trust him right off the bat as he might be using him. Dabi brings up Hawks bringing Endeavor when it should have been a random hero and questioned the lack of casualties. Hawks tells him he had to keep up appearances, Dabi understands but tells him he won't be seeing the boss but promises to contact Hawks again. While walking, Hawks recalls his mission assigned to him by the Hero Public Safety Commission of gaining the League of Villains' trust and feels guilt at Endeavor's condition as he visits the latter at the hospital.[14]

After Endeavor is discharged from the hospital, Hawks walks with him to the airport showing guilt over the injuries that Endeavor has received. Despite Endeavor blaming the injuries on his own actions, he is suspicious over the timing of the Nomu attack, Hawks brushes this off by saying their high profile presence would have attracted attention. Hawks had deliberately set up their meeting to catch the public attention, to provide himself with an excuse for the attack. Endeavor warns Hawks to be careful in the continuance of his investigation, to which Hawks teases him for his consideration. He tells Endeavor it will take another day or so before all his feathers grow back and tell him to rest as well, as he sees Endeavor off.

Endeavor annoyed by Hawks' attitude

Hawks annoys Endeavor with his comments.

Afterward, Keigo thinks back to his meeting with the Hero Public Safety Commission in which he recalls their rather forced proposal to join the League. Despite Keigo's remarks, they tell him his absence from the Kamino Incident was very fortunate for them. Thinking back to his childhood, Keigo had always been driven towards the path of heroism ever since he saved a group of people from a 130 km/h car accident. The word that a child saved the day was discovered and Keigo's family was supported on behalf of his upbringing as a hero.

Flashing back to the commission, Keigo agrees to corrupt himself and take on the job, as long as it puts everyone else at ease. He fantasizes about his dream of a society in which heroes have more free time and vows to make it a reality as fast as possible.[2]

Meta Liberation Army Arc[]

Hawks visits Best Jeanist

Hawks directly confronts Best Jeanist.

While in Osaka, Hawks tries to contact Dabi to confirm their arranged meeting to no avail. Hawks suspects that something is wrong due to the League of Villains' unusual behavior. He flies off with a duffel bag and thinks back to a previous phone call he had with Dabi. Dabi gives Hawks one last unspecified job to prove himself to the League. Shortly afterwards, Hawks visits the No. 3 hero, Best Jeanist.

Best Jeanist welcomes the No. 2 hero into his home and reveals that he had lost a lung during the Kamino incident and that he is planning to tell the public about it soon. Hawks responds how unfortunate things had turned out before unsheathing his feather sword. Back in the present, Best Jeanist is revealed to have gone missing as Hawks flies past a billboard. No one, including his sidekicks, has any knowledge of his whereabouts.[15]

Hawks makes contact with Dabi

Hawks shows Best Jeanist's corpse to Dabi as proof of loyalty.

Hawks later makes contact with Dabi and reveals that he is aware of the truth that League attacked Deika City. He also shows Dabi Best Jeanist's body, as the latter voices his approval despite being suspicious of the authenticity.

Hawks soon witnesses the alliance of the League and Meta Liberation Army, forming the Paranormal Liberation Front and considers the gravity of the situation. He realizes that he's too late and wishes the League had been dealt with sooner for the sake of the innocent civilians who were killed in the recent battle.

Hawks is concerned about the Paranormal Liberation Army

Hawks is concerned about the Paranormal Liberation Front.

Seeing their increased numbers and resources, Hawks deduces that with a committed army following; Feel Good Inc's network, Detnerat's industry influence and possibly more High-End Nomu, Tomura Shigaraki has gained power equal or greater to the heroes. Later on, Hawks meets Dabi among the crowd. Hawks wonders about getting a few introductions while noting to himself that there is still an unknown backer that needs to be revealed before the Heroes can make a move.[16]

My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising[]

Endeavor and Hawks investigate the truck

Endeavor and Hawks investigate the truck.

One winter night, a team of heroes stopped League of Villains from delivering cargo in an armored truck, although the truck fell off the side of a cliff.

Hawks arrives at the scene rather late as Endeavor descends to investigate. Endeavor asks about the League members, to which Hawks answers that they were only duplicates created with Twice's Quirk. When examining the contents of the truck, the two find that the life support tank is empty. Hawks suspected that the tank was carrying a new type of Nomu, but later believes that it was something else.

Hawks and the Public Safety Commission President

Hawks in a committee meeting.

After a few weeks, Hawks attends a committee meeting in the Hero Public Safety Commission headquarters. The Hero Committee reports that in those weeks, several Heroes were attacked and have lost their Quirks. They suspect that the League of Villains managed to successfully reproduce the Quirk-Destroying Bullet.

Hawks instead suggests that Quirks aren't getting destroyed, but rather stolen, although he acknowledges that it is unlikely since All For One is in jail. Still, Hawks is certain that Tomura and his teammates are involved in these incidents.

The next day, in Kyushu, Hawks arrives on the scene of destruction caused by an unknown assailant the night before. Among the victims, Mr. Shimano stands out, as he has lost his Quirk. This baffles Hawks, as Mr. Shimano is a civilian, while the previous victims were heroes.

Hawks reports that Class 1-A is in danger

Hawks contacts other Pro Heroes after realizing Class 1-A is in danger.

In a hospital, Hawks questions Mr. Shimano, who regained consciousness and retells everything that happened to him, and how the villain stole his Quirk. Hawks then receives a call from the HPSC, and is informed that a fisherman found a drone that contains a message saying that villains have attacked Nabu Island. Realizing that Class 1-A is at the island and engaging the villains alone, Hawks flies over to the island as fast as he can, while contacting U.A. High School to send reinforcements.

In the aftermath of Nine's defeat, Hawks rescues Fumikage and Mina Ashido, who were stuck under rubble. As he watches Mummy, Slice, and Chimera get put in custody, Hawks wonders what Tomura Shigaraki is planning.[17]

Endeavor Agency Arc[]

Hawks is reprimanded by Slidin' Go

Hawks is confronted by Slidin' Go.

After returning from a coffee run, Hawks is confronted by Slidin' Go for not notifying them and Hawks tells him that he had the freedom to do as he pleased, which is the organization's goal. Slidin' Go tells Hawks to comply since he was of higher rank only to back down when he is confronted by Skeptic. Skeptic reveals he put microdevices in Hawks' wings to monitor the heroes' activities and that he also knows what Hawks himself has been doing.

After things quell down, Keigo briefly recalls how he told his superiors of how their conversations will be monitored and have them communicate in code while he investigates the Nomu manufacturing location. While reading the Meta Liberation War book on a building, he notices Endeavor on the field against Starservant.[18]

Hawks convinces Endeavor to read Meta Liberation War

Hawks handing out copies of Meta Liberation War.

As Endeavor chases Starservant through an alley, Hawks swoops in to take out the minions who were about to ambush Endeavor and he happens to encounter Endeavor's three interns. After the fight, Hawks briefly chats with Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo before Endeavor asks him why he is here. Due to the listening devices in his wings, Hawks is unable to tell Endeavor anything directly about the growing threat, instead, he knowingly contradicts what he said back in Kyushu by saying positive things about the Meta Liberation Army and Destro's autobiography, in hopes that Endeavor will catch on.[19]

Hawks proceeds to hand copies of Destro's autobiography to Endeavor's interns and heads off. While flying back, he recalls how he highlighted certain parts in the book to pass onto Endeavor because he was being monitored. He returns to PLF base, to give his report to the lieutenants. After doing so, he uses his wings to spy on their future plans.[20]

My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission[]

Hawks reports to the World Heroes Association

Hawks reports to the World Heroes Association.

Hawks and his trainee Fumikage travel to the United States to participate in the international mission organized by the World Heroes Association. An anti-Quirk cult known as Humarise had detonated a Trigger Bomb in a large city, causing thousands of victims. In response, a large force of heroes had been organized to storm all the headquarters that the cult has in the world. Hawks is part of the task force in charge of the one in New York.

The raid is carried out and dozens of cultists are arrested, but neither the Trigger Bombs nor Humarise leader Flect Turn are found. Hawks reports to the WHA director that the captured cultists were questioned, however they were completely unaware of the Trigger Bombs' existence. This causes the Winged Hero to deduce that the terrorist attack must had been carried out only by those under the direct control of Flect Turn. The director orders all the hero teams to stand by in their respective countries.

Hawks and Fumikage fly over NYC

Hawks and Fumikage scout for the Trigger Bomb.

Days later, Flect Turn announces that they have placed Trigger Bombs in various countries, including New York, and that they will explode in two hours. As they fly over the city, Hawks tells Tsukuyomi to leave the evacuation to the American team, as they will search for the bomb from the air. Hawks then uses his Fierce Wings Quirk to detach his feathers and locate the Trigger Bomb. As they search, they are reported that Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto plan to storm Humarise's main headquarters to defuse the bombs.

He finds the deadly weapon, but it is protected by agents of Humarise, triggering several battles through the streets of the city between the heroes and the cultists. After many efforts, Hawks manages to seize the Trigger Bomb and transports it out to sea with his Fierce Wings, to prevent it from exploding in the city. But then Fumikage tells him that another Trigger Bomb has been found, much to his shock.

America Task Force victory

Celebrating that the catastrophe has been prevented.

The heroes continue to fight until the countdown finally reaches zero, but none of the bombs go off. With great relief, Hawks realizes that Izuku's group had achieved their goal. With the Trigger Bombs nullified, the heroes defeat the last remnants of Humarise and the cult is disbanded. Once the crisis is over, Hawks returns to Japan with his trainee.[21]

Paranormal Liberation War Arc[]

Hawks deduces where Tomura is

"The pieces are in place!"

Hawks tricks the surveillance of the Paranormal Liberation Front, while still preserving his facades. He helps them, acts honest, reliable and devoted as he gathers various sensitive information about the inner secrets and structures of the organization without drawing suspicion. Days later, while tutoring Twice about the Meta Liberation Ideology, he receives Oboro Shirakumo's "hospital" hint from his superior. Likewise, Twice trusts him so much that he reveals that Tomura is in the mountain near Kyoto Combining these two pieces of information, Hawks locates his target.[22] Hawks concludes that, if the PLF made their move first, the heroes would lose.

So Hawks pulls his contacts to organize the hospital raid and the attack on the PLF headquarters, knowing he would risk his status. Once the raid starts, Hawks decides to make his move as fast as possible. He soon confronts Twice with two twin feather sword blades and corners him in the same learning room with several more floating feather blades.[23]

Hawks corners Twice with his Feather Blades

Hawks corners Twice as the raid begins.

Revealing himself as a double agent, Hawks explains his undercover actions to Twice: he had gotten the tracking devices out of his wings, and manipulated Twice because of how his Quirk, Double, was a huge threat. Hawks tells him that he plans to take him into custody once the war is over. This causes Twice to experience a mental breakdown, blaming himself for letting Hawks relay his information to the heroes, putting himself and all of his allies in danger. Hawks tells Twice that he wants to redeem him because he believes that he is a good person.

Angered by these words, Twice lashes out in rage and despair out of his hatred towards the heroes. He uses Sad Man's Parade, proclaiming that he'd trade his soul for the League's happiness. Hawks sighs as he reluctantly agrees to fight the one he considered a good friend.[24] As their battle continues, Hawks repeatedly counters Twice's attacks using his multiple feather blades to dissolve them to nothingness. Hawks also comments on the durability of Twice's Double Quirk, adding that he'd never let sentiment trip him up on an opportunity like this.

Hawks vs

Hawks forced to face Twice and Dabi at the same time.

The Winged Hero manages to subdue Twice with his quick speed, solemnly stating that if neither hero nor villain will give up, one of them has to die. With that said, Hawks prepares to finish off Twice, only to get blasted by a large blue flamethrower from another side of the room. Both Hawks and Twice are sent flying by the unexpected attack. A figure then steps on Hawks' face enveloping flames around his soles, revealing himself to be Dabi. Dabi reveals that he heard everything Hawks mentioned and taunts him for making excuses for his behavior.[25] However, Hawks barely dodges Dabi's flames in time using one feather blade to carry him and Twice to safety.

Upon being told he has barely any feathers left, Hawks calls out Dabi for nearly burning his friend to death. Dabi sarcastically tells Hawks its expected of him to dive in and risk his life for others' safety. Hawks then learns that Dabi never considered trusting him from the start of their 'cooperation' and tries strategizing another plan to take down both villains at the right timing.

Dabi tortures Hawks

Dabi mercilessly tortures Hawks.

Before he could take action, Hawks loses his grip on Twice, much to his annoyance. Hawks manages to shrug off one of Twice's doubles before being blasted once again by Dabi's flames. Despite this, Hawks swiftly maneuvers away from Dabi's range and attempts to attack Twice. Dabi reveals that he knows Hawks' real name, surprising the hero in the process. Regardless, Hawks and Dabi continue to fight while Twice makes his escape. Unfortunately for Twice, Hawks appears and lands a fatal blow on the villain, reluctantly killing him in the process.[26]

Enraged, Dabi stomps on Hawks while ruthlessly burning him, scolding the hero for killing Twice. Hawks notices the psychotic grin on Dabi's face and asks him if he's making the face of someone who's seen a friend die. Dabi tells him that his tear glands are burned up and he is upset by Twice's death since he was necessary for his own dream to come true.

Fumikage protects his mentor from Dabi

Tsukuyomi protects Hawks from Dabi.

Hawks asks Dabi who he is, and is shocked when the villain reveals his real name to him. As Dabi explains that he never cared about the League of Villains as well as Hawks' life, he prepares to kill him with his flames.[4] However, Hawks ends up being saved by his protƩgƩ, Fumikage.[27] Despite arriving on time, Tsukuyomi realizes that Hawks' back is badly burned and his wings are nearly gone.

Dabi then cruelly points out that Hawks murdered Twice while the latter was trying to protect his friends, even adding that the Winged Hero is dirtier than any villain. Tsukuyomi refuses to falter and tries to carry Hawks to safety while holding back Dabi by using Dark Shadow to attack the villain. A barely conscious Hawks tells Tsukuyomi that Dabi will keep talking as his taunting serves as a way for him to recharge his flames, telling his intern to leave. However, Tsukuyomi fails to grip on one of the ledges while trying to escape. This results in both Heroes crashing down on concrete, which causes Hawks to go unconscious.

Fumikage still trusts Hawks

Hawks is taken out of the fight by Fumikage.

Noticing that his master is unconscious, Tsukuyomi tries to use Black Fallen Angel but Dabi appears before them hovering. He prepares to blast them to ashes while noting he saw Hawks' betrayal coming. However, their skirmish is interrupted by Geten's sudden ice attack, allowing Tsukuyomi and Hawks to escape from the battlefield. While fleeing, Tsukuyomi tearfully tells the wounded Hawks what he did wasn't wrong and it was the right thing to do.[28]

Fumikage meets Fat Gum while fleeing, and the latter tells him that medics should be by the rear guard, so Tsukuyomi continues to take Hawks there.[29] By the time Gigantomachia escapes with the League on his back, headed for his master, Hawks' wounds are tended to by the medics, and he is safe from the calamity caused by the giant.[30] While Hawks is unconscious in a temporary medical camp, Dabi, now revealed as Toya Todoroki, exposes Hawks' secrets on a public broadcast, alongside Endeavor's.

Footage of Hawks killing Twice

Dabi broadcasts a recording of Hawks killing Twice from behind.

The Villain shows footage of Hawks murdering Twice, though it's edited to make it seem worse. Dabi claims it's in Hawks' nature to kill, as he'd already murdered Best Jeanist and his father was secretly a serial killer. Both Tsukuyomi and Endeavor are deeply shaken by Dabi's claims. Though the accusation of Hawks murdering Best Jeanist is proven to be wrong, as the Number 3 turns up alive; deploying to aid in the Hospital raid.[31]

The battle between the heroes and the PLF continues until the vestige of All For One manages to take control of Tomura's body, and escapes from the battlefield along with Dabi, Spinner, Skeptic and several Nomus.[32] Many heroes and civilians died during the clashes, but the situation worsens even more when "Tomura" attacks several prisons in the country, rescuing his original body from Tartarus and freeing numerous villains. And not only that, a clone of Re-Destro managed to enter the headquarters of the Public Safety Commission, causing great destruction and killing and injuring many of its members before being defeated.[33][34]

Best Jeanist takes Hawks to his home

Hawks wakes up in Best Jeanist's car.

This triggers a deep crisis in hero society like never seen before. Many Heroes cannot withstand criticism and social pressure, so they decide to withdraw and close their agencies, leaving many places with little protection from the growing number of criminal acts. This also causes that many civilians, disillusioned with the heroes, to decide to take justice into their own hands to fight them.[35]

After spending a few days in the hospital, Hawks decides to go where he resides, as he suspects that Dabi was able to obtain information about his past from his mother Tomie, and asks Best Jeanist to take him there. Hawks is still barely recovered from his injuries, needing a device to communicate with Best Jeanist. Along the way, they talk about how Best Jeanist managed to enter a state of apparent death to trick Dabi into allowing Hawks to enter the Paranormal Liberation Front.

Hawks reads his mother's farewell letter

Hawks reads his mother's letter.

Once they arrive at his house, Hawks checks it was ransacked and his mother fled, leaving a farewell note, in which she apologizes to him since, as Hawks feared, she was forced to reveal everything she knows about his past as Keigo Takami. Best Jeanist tries to console Hawks replies it's okay. When he abandoned the name 'Takami' he severed any ties between them, and admits he feels relieved all of this has come back to him, and now that the Safety Commission has shut down, there is no one else around to give him orders.

He says to Best Jeanist that when people get backed into a corner or are truly free, that is when they show their true nature, and it is because of that he considered Twice to be such a good person due to his desire to help others, and how he wants to be just like that. He comments that even if what Dabi said about the Todoroki Family is true, he deeply believes things are different now. When Best Jeanist asks what he plans on doing next, Hawks answers that he is going to tell the public everything about his past in an attempt to salvage Endeavor's reputation.[36]

Hawks and Best Jeanist surprised at Rei's apology

Hawks and Best Jeanist shocked when Rei apologizes for her son Toya's actions.

Hawks and Best Jeanist go to Endeavor's hospital room and eavesdrop on the Todoroki family's conversation. After they're finished talking, the two heroes enter the room, revealing that they overheard the conversation. When they enter the room, Rei gets on the ground and thoroughly apologizes to both heroes, though Hawks immediately assures her and says there's no need to apologize. He expresses his surprise at hearing Endeavor's family history, then turns to Shoto, asking him whether Endeavor was responsible for his scar. When Rei reveals she caused it, Hawks reflects on how he abandoned his parents, unlike Shoto, and calls him a class act.

Hawks proceeds to inform Endeavor of the chaos occurring in society, from the remaining Paranormal Liberation Front members, to the mass prison breakouts, and tells him his only option is to fight. However, he offers the number one hero his aid against Dabi and the villains, proposing a team-up of the top three heroes. Endeavor, overwhelmed and appreciative of the support being given, bursts into tears and gladly accepts their support. Hawks then asks the hero about something that he was unclear on: One For All, noting how important it is to know what it means.

People outside Izuku's room

All Might tells Hawks and Best Jeanist the secret of One For All.

When Endeavor says that Deku would know, Hawks and Best Jeanist go to Izuku's hospital room, where he's still unconscious and wounded from his battle against Tomura. In front of the door of the room he meets several classmates of Izuku. Hawks asks Tenya Ida that they would like to talk to Izuku, and the student explains to them that All Might is with him alone, which gets Hawks interest.[37]

Hawks knocks the door, and introduces himself to the former number one hero and says he has questions for him regarding Izuku and One For All. He tells All Might about what he'd heard from the heroes who'd heard Endeavor in the big battle, and says that it's important to fill the gaps because going forward, they'll be forced to fight both villains and all of society. Understanding the gravity of the situation, All Might takes the two heroes to a private area, where he informs Hawks, Best Jeanist, and Endeavor about the truth of One For All.

Endeavor, Hawks and Best Jeanist hold a conference

Hawks at the press conference to address the truth regarding Dabi's video.

Some time later, Hawks (who has mostly recovered and is now able to speak) alongside Best Jeanist and Endeavor attend a public conference where they reveal everything about both his and Endeavor's past. During this conference, Hawks reveals his infiltration of the League and having been responsible for Best Jeanist's disappearance. He also apologizes for killing Twice, saying that he did so because he felt that it was the only right choice at the time, as well as to prevent far more death and destruction from occurring due to Twice's Double Quirk.[38]

Afterwards, Hawks forms a team with Endeavor, Best Jeanist, All Might, and Izuku Midoriya to find and stop All For One and Tomura Shigaraki.

Hawks warns Izuku about Nagant

Hawks warns Izuku about Nagant.

Shortly before leaving the hospital, Hawks has a conversation with Izuku about some concerns he has for the young hero. He tells him he's aware that Tomura and All For One are trying to steal One For All by force and without Kyudai Garaki and his facilities to preserve any Quirks, he knows that they need Izuku alive. He also knows that while that would be a challenge for many villains, if "she" is involved, then it's another story. Hawks proceeds to mention his senior colleague, former Hero Lady Nagant, as hunting her down is his top priority, warning Izuku if he crosses paths with her, all he can advise him to do is run.[39]

Dark Hero Arc[]

Top Three Heroes dealing with a Villain

Hawks calling All Might to ask about the situation.

After Izuku announces his declaration to leave U.A. in order to protect his loved ones from Tomura and All For One, who he knows will be targeting them, All Might proposes a team-up with Endeavor, Best Jeanist, and Hawks, in order to use Izuku as bait to lure the villains out while they do their clean-up.

While All Might and Deku are handling other villains, Hawks goes with Endeavor and Best Jeanist to cover more ground and deal with rampant villains. While the two heroes are apprehending a villain, Hawks calls All Might to ask how Izuku is doing. He continues by saying that keeping Izuku isolated could work, but that with such a capable villain as All For One coming prepared, it would be too dangerous, and says the better option would be to search for the villains and take them by surprise. Hawks tells All Might to do his best to support him in the meantime.[40]

Best Jeanist protecting his teammates

The heroes forced to leave due the contempt of the detractors.

After they took down some villains rampaging in a city, Endeavor meets up with Best Jeanist where he confirms the convicts weren't sent by All For One. The three are then approached by a mob of protestors, calling them 'hero scum' and demanding they get out of their faces. As Hawks tells Endeavor that they should leave, several of them blame them for the current state society is in for letting Tomura get away and releasing the prisoners.

While driving away, Hawks asks Edgeshot over the phone to keep investigating the Paranormal Liberation Front as he then asks if they should give All Might and Izuku more space, knowing that if the media learns they are working with him, he will receive flack for it. Endeavor agrees. The Heroes discuss what the villains' have planned next, assuming the Tartarus escapees had received some orders from All For One, and therefore it is only logical that they are using the greater confusion and chaos to lay low while pursuing One For All.

Endeavor, Hawks and Best Jeanist

Discussing about All For One's plans.

The three deduce that because All Might damaged him to the point he needs life-support to live, turning Tomura into his successor would make for a new body for him, which is why he is prioritizing this task. Hawks also mentions that the imprisoned Kyudai Garaki said that Tomura wasn't complete when he was awakened, which they figure is a necessary component to complete the process, though they are unsure of the specifics how.

The three of them talk about how Izuku and All Might told them that a body that is too weak can not receive One For All, but Hawks doesn't understand why Tomura needs 'rage' in addition. Best Jeanist says that one needs a strong will to steal a Quirk bearing the will of eight other people, yet Hawks says that All For One had been pursuing his brother and his successors for years, so he believed he should have had enough hatred.

Best Jeanist believes he doesn't have enough, but Hawks suggests he has none at all, since he is always seen smiling, meaning something is missing in his soul. Nevertheless, since the villains they have rounded up have no useful intel, they decide they may have to take the fight to the enemy and increase their search, even if it means reducing the number of people keeping peace on the street.

Hawks saves Lady Nagant

Hawks saves his senior, Lady Nagant.

Suddenly, they are notified that Izuku's GPS signal is gone. It turns out that he was ambushed by one of All For One's assassins, and this time, it is Hawks' former mentor, Lady Nagant.[41] Izuku was outmatched, but he succeeded in defeating her, having a change of heart after witnessing Izuku's true heroism. However, All For One anticipated that Lady Nagant would be defeated, so he rigged a Self-Destruction Quirk inside of her as a failsafe.

Hawks flies in on the scene and catches Lady Nagant, asking his senior not to die on him.[42] Alongside him also comes Endeavor, who asks Izuku for a status update but Hawks interrupts them calling for help, as he still can't fly easily yet. Izuku is able to catch him with Blackwhip but he can't pull them up because he is out of strength. Izuku warns Hawks that All For One gave her an extra Quirk, and it must have come with a trap which is why she exploded.

As they fall, Hawks tells Lady Nagant that he is her successor and refuses to believe she would let All For One manipulate her. He tells her she can't give up, especially after fighting Izuku. He begs her to tell him what she knows and she can't die after being manipulated, calling her a Hero. Lady Nagant starts regaining consciousness and sees Hawks, and while she figures he must've done bad things too for the Commission, she doesn't understand how he can still have fire in his eyes in the midst of an uncertain future just like Deku.

Hawks remains optimistic

Hawks assures his predecessor that he's optimistic to a fault.

Having a change of heart after seeing her protege and her encounter with Izuku, she screams that her orders were to deliver Izuku to a mansion in Haibori Woods within the next two months as both her and Hawks land abruptly on the ground. She weakly tells Hawks that there are others All For One called upon and then tells him that her heart couldn't bear the dark side, asking how Hawks can still be hopeful. Hawks responds saying that he had someone to support him, and he calls himself optimistic to a fault.

With the information from Lady Nagant, the Heroes raid the former Creature Rejection Clan's hideout accompanied by The Lurkers, but find it empty, with nothing but a hologram message from All For One sarcastically taunting Izuku, vowing to break him both body and spirit just as the mansion explodes.[43]

Luckily, the heroes were able to escape the trap unscathed. The three top heroes meet privately in a warehouse with what remains of the Lurkers after Death Arms quit from being criticized all the time. Edgeshot asks if they can get any more information out of Lady Nagant, but Hawks doesn't think so, saying that she is currently being treated at Central Hospital, and can't believe she is still alive considering how severe her injuries are.

Heroes discuss the current situation

The heroes discuss the current state of hero society.

The remaining heroes and Hawks are seeing how much the war has turned their society. Heroes are quitting one-by-one and the last threads holding them together are starting to tear. Endeavor also adds that the retired heroes are leaking information regarding One For All, and the public are getting close to uncovering the truth about Deku. Endeavor says that if the public finds out about One For All's nature, Deku will be caught in a cycle of negativity. Hawks adds that they can theorize doomsday all day, but it is here now.

Then they receive a notification that Izuku has defeated another of All For One's agents, but later they discover that he has also bailed out on All Might to continue the search alone.[44] After several days wandering, defeating villains and helping civilians alone, Izuku is found by his classmates who mobilized to convince him to return back to school. He refuses and a fight breaks out between them all. During the battle, Hawks contacts Endeavor, asking if they should just grab Izuku and leave, but seeing what the kids are trying to accomplish, Endeavor tells Hawks not to let anyone interfere.[45]

Class 1-A finally succeed in wearing down Izuku until he collapses and escort him back to the heavily fortified U.A. High School. However once they get there, they are confronted by angry protesting civilians, who don't want Izuku to be there as they suspect he is the one Tomura is looking for, thus putting everyone in danger.[46]

Shoto, Endeavor and Hawks listening to Ochaco's speech

Hawks listens to Ochaco's speech.

At that moment, Ochaco takes a megaphone to address everyone.[47] Everyone listens to her speech, appealing to the civilians to understand Izuku and let him rest at U.A., reminding them that Izuku has been fighting all by himself for their sake, and now he, as well as the remaining heroes that are still fighting to protect them, needs their support. It works, as the people calm down and allow Izuku to go in.[48]

Outside U.A., Ectoplasm asks Endeavor, Hawks, and Shoto if they heard Ochaco's speech before letting them in, saying that everything is fine for now, with them having stayed outside so as not to cause further ruckus. Endeavor says that all they ended up doing causing more pain for Izuku and didn't make any progress, but Hawks disagrees with the last point. He says that just like how One For All is a power that links together people's hearts, so too is everyone connected here at U.A., and thinking about each other, which will lead to a bright future where they can't help but smile.[49]

The top 3 Heroes head to a meeting

The three top heroes are on their way to meet a very important person.

The next day, while Izuku rests, Hawks travels with Best Jeanist and Endeavor to a meeting spot. During the car ride, Hawks tells Best Jeanist that thanks to the information obtained from Doctor Garaki's interrogation, the confessions of the captured All For One agents, and the research of the Nomus in Central Hospital, they should still have at least a month to make their move and take the fight to All For One before he completed Tomura's body. However, he continues that, thanks to the Tartarus security information that the Hero Killer Stain gave to All Might earlier, things have changed; Hawks can't help but notice the irony that the Hero Killer has ended up being an ally of the heroes.[50]

Star and Stripe Arc[]

Being informed of Tomura's appearance

Naomasa calls the heroes because Tomura has appeared.

Based on Stain's information, they realize that Tomura has only a few days until completion, so because of this All Might has requested immediate aid from the foreign heroes. America's Number 1 Hero, Star and Stripe, respomds to the call and Hawks, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist head over to rendezvous with her. Hawks worries if she'll be alright for leaving so abruptly, and Best Jeanist tries to reassure him. They are suddenly informed by Naomasa that Tomura Shigaraki has come out to intercept her.[51]

This triggers an aerial battle between Star and "Tomura", which ends with Star's death, but not before using her Quirk New Order to deal heavy damage to "Tomura", destroying several of his Quirks and forcing him to flee.[52] Star's fellow pilots arrive in Japan, meeting Endeavor, Best Jeanist, and Hawks and informing them of the battle and Star's death. They try to track down "Tomura", but he was able to go back into hiding.

Best Jeanist, Hawks, and Endeavor are informed of Star and Stripe's death

The heroes lament Star and Stripe's death.

With the death of Star and Stripe, the rest of the nations preferred not to send help to Japan to keep their homelands protected. The only positive thing about the battle is that, thanks to the data and records obtained by the pilots about "Tomura", he ended up so badly injured that he will need another week to recover and complete his body.[53]

U.A. Traitor Arc[]

Anti-PLF Counter-Force (Anime)

Hawks addresses the Anti-PLF Counter-Force.

During the week, Yuga Aoyama is discovered to be a spy for All For One,[54] being captured along with his parents by Izuku. When questioning them, it is discovered that they are only agents of All For One because of the fear that he instilled in them. Despite this, the heroes devise a plan to use Yuga and his parents against All For One.[55][56]

At Central Hospital, All Might and Hawks arrange a meeting with a few members of the police force, Star's fellow US Army pilots, and Tomoko Shiretoko. Hawks mention how due to Yuga's situation, they're ready to move ahead after deeming everyone involved trustworthy. He continues that Heroes are currently in command out in the field, so they'll be keeping their current circle small to detail the classified information. Tomoko is a little annoyed that none of her fellow Wild, Wild Pussycats teammates can be there. Hawks apologizes for this, explain that it's not like they are not trust them, but they must take all precautions so that nothing is leaked there.

Hawks and Tomoko explain the plan

Hawks and Tomoko meet with other heroes to explain them the plan.

Based on the information they have been able to gather so far, the heroes had managed to device a plan to defeat All For One and Tomura, as well as their allies. The strategy is to divide and conquer: They must separate each of the villain's main agents, isolating them from each other from several kilometres away, in order to defeat them one by one without being able to assist each other. And to achieve this, Yuga will be a key role to lure the villains into the trap.[57]

When everything is clarified, Hawks and Tomoko meet with the rest of the heroes to explain the deviced plan to take down All For One's ambitions, and their roles in it.[58]

Final War Arc[]

With the number of Heroes rapidly dwindling, those that remain develop their plan to defeat All For One and the villains in an all-or-nothing battle of the Final War. With Izuku and Yuga as bait, and using Hitoshi Shinso's Brainwashing Quirk to trick All For One, the heroes manage to lure the villain into an abandoned city lot, falling for their trap. All For One uses his Warping Quirk to summon an army of villains to the area, but then dozens of heroes appear through several Warp Gates, created by Neito Monoma, who had copied Kurogiri's Quirk.

After a brief skirmish, the heroes activate cages hidden beneath the battlefield, holding the villains long enough for Neito to summon several more Warp Gates around the cages,[59][60] allowing the heroes to shove them all in, splitting up the villains into different parts of the country, separated from each other by hundreds of kilometers.

Hawks joins the battle against All For One

Hawks joins the battle against All For One at the ruins of the Gunga Mountain Villa.

As planned, the heroes send All For One, along with a few villains, to the ruins of the Gunga Mountain Villa, where he has to face Endeavor and a squad of Heroes. Hawks was waiting for everyone there, and after welcoming them, he strikes All For One straight in the head with a feather blade, although he fails to get through his mask. Hawks apologizes to Endeavor for it, but the flaming hero replies it's ok, since he knows that the villain would not fall so easily.[61]

Prior to the start of the battle, using the information received from Stain, they realize that All For One still requires to be on life support since he carried it out of Tartarus with him, and that his mask contains it, so they need to destroy it. Given All For One's tremendous power that he showed off in Kamino, and his ability to steal Quirks, Hawks figures the best approach is for only him and Endeavor to face All For One in the air, to overwhelm him as quickly as possible.[62]

In the middle of their fighting, the two hear over the comms that Shoto has successfully defeated Dabi, inciting a reaction in Endeavor. All For One comments on the expression, leading Hawks to tell Endeavor not to listen, expecting his upcoming verbal assault, which he proceeds to do.[63] They resume their battle as Endeavor blocks an attack from All For One, with Hawks shooting some of his feathers through the flames. All For One blocks the attack and blocks another attack from Hawks from behind.

Kyoka and Fumikage save Hawks from All For One (Anime)

Hawks is saved from All For One by Tsukuyomi and Earphone Jack.

All For One taunts the hero for being so crippled that he needs to rely on prosthetic feathers to fly but Hawks just smiles and laughs at All For One for also being so crippled. Hawks flies away as Endeavor attacks with Vanishing Fist. All For One begins to shout provocations at Endeavor as Hawks warns him not to listen. When All For One mentions finding Toya's body, Endeavor is enraged and charges at the villain, ignoring Hawks' warnings to keep his cool and not overdo like All Might did in Kamino. Hawks can only look on in shock as Endeavor is pierced through his side and falls to the ground, badly wounded. Hawks charges at All For One, who prepares to obliterate the winged hero with an Air Cannon blast, calling him "Nagant's Replacement".

Hawks tries to think of how to re-distribute his wings to protect himself or Endeavor, but suddenly, All For One's attack is blocked by Kyoka Jiro, who arrives flying on top of Fumikage. Hawks is surprised to see the two young heroes-in-training, calling out to them that they'll die if they try to fight. Tsukuyomi replies that he knows he's not Endeavor, but he can still fight alongside him.[62]

Hawks is wounded by All For One (Anime)

Hawks is wounded in his attempt to save Tsukuyomi and Earphone Jack from All For One.

While Hawks uses his feathers to sense that Endeavor is still alive on the ground, he calls out to Fumikage again, who immediately responds back that he was deployed there in the first place to support them in case things went bad. Hawks thinks about how they never expected it'd to be necessary with Endeavor, but considering how everything's going now, he asks his "hero" to help him. All For One immediately goes to target Earphone Jack using an array of mouths from his fingertips to attack her, but Hawks uses some of his feathers to push her upwards and out of the way.

Hawks then proceeds to smash All For One's mask with a couple more feathers, and a slice from his katana, declaring he won't let them die as he tells Tsukuyomi he'll back him up. While attacking Hawks with one hand, All For One uses his other to create a massive Quirk combination cannon aimed directly at the 1-A students, mocking their anxiousness before blasting the cannon directly at them. Hawks attempts to use his feathers to push it out of the way, leaving him vulnerable for another attack, only barely succeeding in helping avoid damage.

All For One continues to mock Hawks and the students uselessness, asking the kids if being around the strong made them believe they were worthy of facing down the Demon Lord. Despite her ear being blown off, Kyoka decries All For One's beliefs and attacks him with her Heartbeat Surround: Legato. All For One attempts to fight back, but finds himself hesitating due to the Quirk vestiges within him starting to resist. Hawks uses this to his advantage, as after striking All For One three times in the same spot, he notices he has opened up a crack. Throwing his katana into Earphone Jack's sound waves, he unleashes a "Soundwave Vibration-Enhanced Flight Feather Blade" successfully destroying the mask and exposing part of his face.[64]

Soundwave Vibration-Enhanced Flight Feather Blade (Anime)

Hawks breaks All For One's mask.

Fumikage promptly destroys the rest of the mask with a Ragnarƶk: Fleeting Blow attack, and Hawks mocks the now stunned All For One for assuming they were just going to buy some time. With his katana, Hawks goes in for the kill to finish All For One for good, but is caught off guard when All For One retaliates, unleashing a hell of Rivet Stabs to reclaim the pieces of his mask. Hawks rushes to protect the students from most of the damage, with himself saved by a returning Endeavor, losing an arm in the process.[65]

Despite this, Endeavor creates a fiery fist using his Vanishing Fist, and begins to decimate All For One. Hawks uses his wings to push Endeavor forward, catching All For One due to the blistering speed, something Hawks snidely comments on, allowing Endeavor to unleash a Vanishing Jet Burn, to blast All For One downwards onto the Gunga Mountain. Hawks asks Endeavor why he didn't finish him off with Prominence Burn, as Endeavor remarks that he had his guard up, and since he can't use it as many times as he wants, he needs to break through his defenses to ensure it connects.

Hawks helps Endeavor in his fight against All For One (Anime)

Hawks gives Endeavor a boost with his feathers.

Hawks, alongside Tsukuyomi and Earphone Jack, watch Endeavor obliterate All For One as much as possible, wearing him down until he can finish him off for good with a Prominence Burn. Holding his crisped remains, Endeavor thinks it's finally over, but Hawks realizes something is wrong and yells at Endeavor to get away from him. Sure enough, All For One had one final trick up his sleeve, as he mocks the Heroes all the while his body begins to regenerate.[66]

Much to his and Endeavor's horror, All For One has resorted to using a reversed-engineered Quirk-Destroying Drug on himself, which used the original function of the Rewind Quirk to rejuvenate his body back to its prime. Endeavor and Hawks are stunned as they see an almost fully recovered All For One declaring that while the Heroes managed to keep the Villains on the defensive in the previous battle, it won't be the same now; since Heroes are those who defend, Villains are those who violate, and they will plunge headlong to their dream.[67]

All For One reveals his true form

Hawks and Endeavor watch in horror as All For One regenerates back to his prime.

Now back in his prime, All For One swiftly makes his way down to the battlefield, stealing the Quirks off many Heroes, as well as their capes to cover his nudity. Hawks quickly pushes a Hero away, while All For One states that after using the drug's Rewind effect, he's doomed to vanish, but since his dream has already been passed onto Tomura, he intends to rescue him from the Heroes' trap before he's gone. Hawks figures that due to his self-sacrificial current state, if Endeavor can get one more blow in he could finish things, so tries to buy some time by asking All For One what is his dream after obtaining One For All.

All For One explains that he was influenced by comic books, and asks Hawks why Villains are feared over the world. Hawks responds it's because they do bad things, but All For One states that in a world full of different cultures and values, those "bad things" would be an action that the masses react to in disgust; it is something that thwarts the future they envision. It is because of this that All For One wants to thwart the future of the world, as it's all he's ever wished for.[68]

Himiko's Sad Man's Parade

Hawks is stunned as Himiko Toga unleashes Twice's Sad Man's Parade.

To add further cause to his ideals, All For One declares that people's experiences when they're young define who they become, referring to Spinner's dark upbringing, so his feelings for the friends who accepted him are strong. He also mentions he installed a microchip in Nana Shimura's hand to make sure Kurogiri is active no matter what state he was in.

He yells that Spinner has succeeded as above the Heroes he notices two Warp Gates appearing. Dabi gleefully emerges from one of them, saying hi to his dad, while from the other emerges two Twice Doubles, calling out to Hawks. All For One states that the "sad man's" death, gave rise to the hatred in Himiko's heart, further aided by Dabi, in his quest for revenge, giving her the tool she needed to destroy all. He tells Hawks to watch and see what will happen if he hadn't made his death his top priority before, causing Hawks to panic and cry out they need to kill them now.[69] Hawks realizes that Himiko used Twice's blood to transform into him, wondering how she had a stock thinking he dealt with that already, only to realize it must've been cause of Dabi. He tries to attack, but Himiko unleashes Infinite Doubles: Sad Man's Parade, spreading the Doubles all over the battlefield.[70]

Hawks prevents All For One from escaping

Hawks stops All For One from escaping the battlefield.

With Dabi's inferno scorching the landscape and Infinite Doubles swarming, the battle is all but lost, forcing the heroes in full retreat. In the ensuring chaos, All For One makes an attempt to flee the battle and blast over to Tomura himself, but Hawks blocks him, asking him why he is in such a rush to leave, even despite the Rewind effect, realizing he doesn't have faith in Tomura's "perfect body". All For One responds that he's right the body isn't complete, and that he is still essential for the process. Hawks cries out to Endeavor that since their divide and conquer plan was a bust, if things fall apart now it will eventually reach Izuku and Tomura, so they need to stop Dabi now.

All For One attempts to lambast Hawks by reminding him that Endeavor's already lost an arm and that he's supposed to be trying to stop him rather than abandoning his duty, but Hawks smugly responds that he's already lost to him once.[71] As the two continue their chase, All For One laments about how he was supposed to have full control over Tomura's body by now, and that all he has to do is get him to absorb his Quirk Factor, and he will be regain control of Tomura once again, allowing the creation of the "Demon Lord" to be complete.

Hawks feinting out All For One

Hawks comes into close combat with All For One.

Hawks swoops in and attacks All For One with his remaining katana sword, retorting back that it isn't his story, but theirs, and not his to do as he pleases, as he continues to swipe at him and prevent him from escaping. He even tried a ploy to fool All For One with the feathers swiping the sword, but All For One simply dodged it easily. He thinks about how they must succeed all to ensure the bright future for the young heroes.

All For One mocks that the winds are blowing his way and seemingly kills Hawks by destroying his body with a spatial distortion Quirk. But then suddenly, Hawks' face turns all "glittery" and simply fades away, revealing him to be an illusion created by Camie Utsushimi who had just arrived on time with reinforcements from the Hero Course students of Shiketsu High School. Seiji Shishikura had just saved Hawks by using his Quirk to push him out of the way while his illusionary double replaced him. Seiji tells Hawks that they were originally tasked with escorting the civilians evacuated at U.A. through the tunnels, but since they never showed up, they assumed something had gone wrong, so they have arrived to help, just as Inasa Yoarashi unleashes a massive Whirlwind to suck up the Twice Double swarm.[72]

With the Shiketsu High School students joining the war, the battle at the Gunga Mountains has become the turning point as the Heroes are now at the offensive, directing all of their long-ranged attacks toward All For One. Naomasa calls up Hawks, reporting that the school was already on their way before he made his request for reinforcements, reminding them that whatever happens in Gunga will determine the fate of the war, and All For One cannot be allowed to leave no matter what. Despite the reinforcements, All For One still tries to overpowering everyone by utilzing a Quirk combination to unleash a massive laser explosion, decimating the battlefield below. The Heroes, however, stand their ground, to keep their defense strong and keep attacking, especially now that he's stopped running away.

The Heroes assault All For One

With additional reinforcements, Hawks and the Heroes throw everything they've got at All For One.

All For One monologues asking what makes them think they will emerge this time, that they lost the only one who could face him head on, and how ignorant he believes they are; with none of them being born from his golden dark age where his powers are at his peak, as some of them having witnessed All Might's rise to power, and most being born when he reigned supreme. As Inasa turns his Whirlwind toward All For One, the Heroes proceed to fire everything they've got into the cage, and even after All For One unleashes another onslaught of Rivet Stabs, it refuses to deter them, with Inasa declaring that rather than All For One's ancient days, he'd rather see a future built by the people he's cheering on, like Endeavor and Shoto.

Hawks hears this and thinks back to his words about the progress being grown, and just like One For All, how a network of power has linked the hearts of people together, with Endeavor having done his part with that too. As Hawks flies in to attack All For One, Fumikage, who has been amassing his Dark Shadow to reach to its monstrous peak and achieved Total Release, reveals its now giant monstrous form before All For One. Hawks is amazed of Fumikage's growth, and as he yells at his student to attack, he thinks to himself that if he was able to pay it forward, then dirtying his wings will be worth it. Supporting him, Fumikage uses Dark Shadow boosted by Inasa's Whirlwind to unleash Black Abyss: Light of Baldur, pulverizing All For One down into the ground.[73]

While Dark Shadow keeps assaulting All For One, Hawks tells Fumikage that even though he's invincible, thanks to Endeavor he's on a timer so they just need to keep him down at all costs. Just as the Heroes are about to provide more backup for Dark Shadow, All For One unleashes a massive nuclear explosion that blasts away Dark Shadow, greatly diminishing him once again. All For One states how obnoxious they all are, as they notice due the Rewind effect, All For One has become visibly younger, and proceeds to use his Quirks to blast his way out of the battlefield.

The Heroes give chase, with Inasa carrying them with his wind, refusing to let him escape. As Hawks continues to pursue after the villain, just then, they are surprised by the arrival of Gigantomachia to the battlefield. All For One commands him to finish them, but Hawks instead snidely comments to himself how they have managed to avoid the worst-case scenario, as instead, the beast attacks his master by throwing a giant mountain boulder at him, courtesy of being controlled by Eijiro and Hitoshi Shinso.[74]

Hawks continues to support Fumikage, noting that it is a risky gamble bringing Machia onto the battlefield to assist them, as even though they have Mt. Lady protecting him, if All For One is able to get an attack on the beast, he will be freed from the Brainwashing. All For One deduces what is going on and successfully fires off a huge blast wave attacking Machia. Hawks calls out to Eijiro who uses his Unbreakable to protect him from the damage.

While Hitoshi is saved, the attack seemingly breaks control away, until to everyone's surprised, Machia responds asking why his master left him behind. Hawks is confused with the reaction, initially thinking Hitoshi was Brainwashing him to speak but is also aware he didn't have enough time to brainwash him again. Machia then yells that even after he came back in Tomura's body, despite having faith and waiting for him, he still abandoned him and ran away. Full of anger and rage, Machia viciously attacks All For One of his own accord.

Hawks and Fumikage brutally attacked

Hawks and Fumikage are brutally defeated by All For One.

As Hitoshi declares that his Quirk doesn't affect a person's heart and true feelings, and that he only jelped support his rage, Hawks mockingly states that nobody is on board with All For One's "grand tale", as the Heroes plus Machia throw their full assault on All For One until he vanishes for good.[75]

As they all continued their relentless assault on All For One, Hawks apologizes to Fumikage that he can only be his wingman since he's limited from his wings, but his student responds that his support is all he needs to fuel his Light of Baldur. However, All For One is able to gain the upperhand and manages to retaliate by sending a Rivet Stab that slices Mt. Lady's stomach, causing her body to fall to the ground. Immediately after, All For One sends a giant blast of Impure Beam, destroying half of Gigantomachia's entire body, knocking him to the ground as well. The regenerating skeletal remains of All For One unleashes another powerful blast of Impure Beam, destroying Dark Shadow, and eviscerating Hawks and Fumikage. Hawks gets in the way to try and take the full frontal hit of the blast, but the two are still severely injured.

All For One steals Fierce Wings

Hawks stabs All For One while he steals his Fierce Wings.

As the dust settles, all the Heroes lie battered, broken, bleeding to death, or dead. All For One stands triumph over all of them as he chokes the barely conscious Hawks by the throat, with the latter still resisting by stabbing All For One with his katana. The Villain brushes off the sword and tells him to step aside as he plans to steal Fumikage's Quirk. With Hawks continuing his persistence, All For One steals Fierce Wings for himself, noting that even with its Quirk Factor seriously damaged, he still managed to put up a good fight. Hawks comments on how his stockpiled Quirks work outside his body and don't mesh well while he's rewinding, and that the damage is hastening the process, mocking him for it.

Just then, Minoru Mineta throws one of his Pop Off balls at All For One, weakly telling him not to steal Dark Shadow, and that he should steal his Quirk instead, begging him not to take it from Fumikage. All For One decides not to waste another second and throws the now Quirkless Hawks away as he leaves. Flying into the air, he tells the Heroes that thanks to the press' arrival, people are going to see what happened, so they will know they failed again, since they couldn't protect a single thing, blasting away. Even despite everything, Hawks thinks back to the Shiketsu students mentioning the refugees in U.A., and that there's still hope.[76]

Himiko's Double attacks Hawks

One of Himiko's Doubles attacks Hawks moments before disappearing.

Even without his Quirk and severely wounded, Hawks remains steadfast as he keeps himself standing with his last katana sword ready to fight and protect the severely injured Fumikage, as he senses the rapidly increasing Double swarm slowly approaching.[77] With the ocean of Doubles now having reached his location after they decimate everything in their path, Hawks can barely defend himself as he's attacked by them. However, thanks to Ochaco and the Heroes, Himiko is defeated and the Doubles begin to disintegrate into the air. After one of the Himiko Doubles manages to get a couple knife slices in at him, Hawks tells her that it's fair because Twice really was a decent guy, as it disappears.[78]

Even after Hawks' Quirk was stolen, his vestige emerges within the realm of the All For One Quirk. As the Villain unleashes all of his Quirks in one final attempt to defeat his enemies and reach Tomura, he is successfully held back by Katsuki. As a result of All For One's negative emotions spurring him on in this final battle, he starts to lose control of his Quirk Factors, only to realize this too late. Within the vestige realm, Hawks appears before the child All For One, surrounded by the other vestiges who he snarkily refers to as his latest "fan meetup". He tells him that all his negative emotions have got him acting up, so he is losing control of them, getting the last laugh by mocking that he has been swallowed up by Tomura, just as he's defeated by Katsuki in the real world.[79] Shortly after, as All For One reverts to that as a fetus and is slowly being erased, Hawks notices all the vestiges starting to disappear, thinking that the stolen factors returning to their former owners would be a nice bonus, but knows that's not how it works, smiling as he fades away with everyone.[80]

Back at the Gunga Mountains, Hawks lies on the ground severely wounded as the news copter broadcasting the battle lands in the wasteland in order to help escort the seriously injured to safety. The reporters are communicating with the other copter who had just picked up Ochaco, informing each other on their progress. Hawks overhears the conversation, recognizing the "gravity girl" they are talking about, and remembering back to her speech at U.A., thinking once again about his desire for everyone to be able to see each other united as one.[81]

As the news crew people takes the wounded Heroes to safety, Hawks saw Fumikage regaining conscious and shouts for Izuku to "do your best", knowing that his battle with Tomura is still raging on.[82] Eventually, Izuku succeeds in dealing the final blow to Tomura, defeating him once and for all before Tomura succumbs to his injuries and dies as his body disintegrates into ashes.[83]

After the war ended, Hawks has recovered from his injuries, but with him now Quirkless, he effectively retired as a Hero and becomes the next president of the Heroes Public Safety Commission. He visits his former mentor, Lady Nagant in prison. To Hawks' surprise, Lady Nagant chooses to remain in prison despite being told she is free to go. She expresses to Hawks that the outside world is a scary place. She fears history repeating itself and being exploited once again. She then explains to Hawks that she wants to see how society will act to what Izuku Midoriya demonstrated that day. Lady Nagant jests that until then will be dining in the taxpayers money for a little while longer. Hawks responds back playfully, calling her a villain while sticking his tongue out at her.[84]

As Keigo oversees the reconstruction efforts in the country and managing the Heroes work, he and All Might are discussing about broadening the scope of the Hero Billboard Chart JP, wanting to use it to honor more than just the Pro Heroes that played a part in the Final War, giving props to "heroes" in the original sense, beyond those employed, mostly to reformed criminals and civilians who took part of the final battle. All Might asks Keigo that they should lean away from the popularity aspect all together, which Hawks says makes sense, seeing the cons of the system and not the pros had affected the country the last time, with him thinking about an update that doesn't completely toss out everything, because since even the "greatest" can only handle so much, and they wanna save more people, the saviors have to be more than just the Pros, in the hopes of cultivating even more Heroes.[85]


  1. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 299 and Episode 122.
  2. ā†‘ 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 192 and Episode 90.
  3. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 258 and Episode 114.
  4. ā†‘ 4.0 4.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 267 and Episode 117.
  5. ā†‘ 5.0 5.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 185 and Episode 87.
  6. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 191 and Episode 93.
  7. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 199 and Episode 93.
  8. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 184 and Episode 87.
  9. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 186 and Episode 87.
  10. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 187 and Episode 88.
  11. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 188 and Episode 88.
  12. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 189 and Episode 88.
  13. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 190 and Episode 89.
  14. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 191 and Episode 90.
  15. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 231 and Episode 102.
  16. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 240 and Episode 113.
  17. ā†‘ My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising.
  18. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 243 and Episode 102.
  19. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 244 and Episode 102.
  20. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 245 and Episode 103.
  21. ā†‘ My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission.
  22. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 255 and Episode 107.
  23. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 263 and Episode 116.
  24. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 264 and Episode 116.
  25. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 265 and Episode 116.
  26. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 266 and Episode 116.
  27. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 267 and Episode 118.
  28. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 271 and Episode 118.
  29. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 273 and Episode 118.
  30. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 283 and Episode 122.
  31. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 291 and Episode 124.
  32. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 295 and Episode 126.
  33. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 296 and Episode 127.
  34. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 297 and Episode 128.
  35. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 300 and Episode 129.
  36. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 299 and Episode 129.
  37. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 303 and Episode 130.
  38. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 306 and Episode 131.
  39. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 312 and Episode 133.
  40. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 309 and Episode 132.
  41. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 311 and Episode 133.
  42. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 315.
  43. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 316.
  44. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 317.
  45. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 321.
  46. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 322.
  47. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 323.
  48. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 324.
  49. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 325.
  50. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 327.
  51. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 328.
  52. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 333.
  53. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 334.
  54. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 336.
  55. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 337.
  56. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 338.
  57. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 340.
  58. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 342.
  59. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 343.
  60. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 344.
  61. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 345.
  62. ā†‘ 62.0 62.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 354.
  63. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 353.
  64. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 355.
  65. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 356.
  66. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 357.
  67. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 363.
  68. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 364.
  69. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 374.
  70. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 375.
  71. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 376.
  72. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 380.
  73. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 381.
  74. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 382.
  75. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 384.
  76. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 385.
  77. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 391.
  78. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 395.
  79. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 409.
  80. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 410.
  81. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 416.
  82. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 422.
  83. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 423.
  84. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 426.
  85. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 429.

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