Izuku Midoriya vs. Flect Turn is the battle between Endeavor's trainee Deku against Humarise leader Flect Turn, while Rody Soul tries to stop the detonation of the Trigger Bombs.

Rody determined to reach the Humarise base as soon as possible.
After defeating Humarise's agents and finding some kind of card and a microSD in the briefcase, Deku and his companions go to Klayd to see what the latter contains. In it they listen to an audio of Alan Kay, a scientist who was kidnapped by Humarise and forced to create the Trigger Bombs in exchange for not harming his loved ones. He reveals Humarise's plan to throw the world into chaos through the devices. Fortunately, he also reveals that the card is actually a key to disarm the bombs. It was created by his colleague Eddie Soul, who like him was also forced to work for the terrorist organization, in exchange for his life.
At that moment, they see on the news that Humarise has already put his plan into motion, and that there are less than two hours left for the Trigger Bombs to go off. With the heroes too busy searching for the bombs and taking on Humarise's acolytes, it's up to them to prevent disaster from occurring. After looking the files, they discover Humarise's main base where the control system that would allow them to defuse the bombs is located, several levels underground. The place is 400 kilometers from where they are, but Rody offers to take them on a "borrowed" plane.

Deku defeats the villain attacking Bakugo.
During the flight, Deku, Bakugo, and Shoto gear up, and send a transmission with the information to the World Heroes Association HQ. When they finally fly over the Humarise base, leaving less than 30 minutes to stop the detonation, Deku and his classmates ask Rody to fly back, before jumping out of the plane to storm the base. Flect Turn's subordinates begin to attack them, but the three students manage to defeat them, although Bakugo and then Shoto stay behind to deal with the more troublesome foes, allowing Deku to continue advancing to the control system.
Rody, however, ignored Deku's warning and landed carelessly in a nearby forest. He wants to help too, but before he can get too far, several Humarise soldiers stop him and take him to the base.[1]

Deku confronts Flect Turn.
After overcoming all the obstacles, Deku reaches the base oratory, leaving him to go through only one door to reach the control system and deactivate the bombs, but before he can continue, one of the defense systems of the room fires a laser to stop him. Flect Turn appears, telling him that he cannot allow him to stop his work that allows the purification of the world from the disease of the Quirks, and seals the room.
Hearing his argument, Deku reproaches him for blindly believing in the Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory when it's just a mere unproven belief, and that his actions only create innocent victims, but Flect Turn dismisses his accusations, assuring that what he does will save humanity.

Flect Turn rejects Deku's attack with his Quirk.
Knowing that he cannot reason with him, Deku activates Full Cowl and attacks Flect Turn with St. Louis Smash, but at the moment of the blow he is suddenly violently repelled by an unknown force surrounding the Humarise leader. As he recovers, Deku realizes that the shock and force feels like a Smash.
Flect reveals that he is also affected by a Quirk disease, revealing a kind of mirror shields around his body. The villain explains to Deku that his Reflect Quirk rejects anyone and anything that comes in contact with him with the same power level as the one reflected against. After getting up, Deku runs around Flect and shoots several Delaware Smash Air Force attacks, asking him why he can't believe in Quirks when he himself has one.

Flect uses his Quirk to power up his punches.
The air pressure shots are rejected by Flect's Quirk and reflected back to Deku, hitting him and throwing him again against the walls of the room. Flect replies that his Quirk is a curse, as he cannot control its ability to reject everything, meaning he couldn't touch or hold another person without them bouncing back, rejecting even their feelings. He couldn't even end his own life. His own power is the proof that Quirks will bring the destruction of humanity.
After finishing speaking, Flect uses his Quirk to lunge at Deku, who counters with the idea of stopping using his Quirk right at the moment of impact. This makes the reflected blow not very strong, allowing him to keep the leader of Humarise in place for a few seconds. But Flect focuses all the impact into one point and punches Deku in the stomach, violently knocking him back.

Deku is wounded by the lasers deflected by Flect.
Realizing that he can't attack directly, Deku chooses to avoid Flect Turn and runs straight for the base's control system, but the villain activates the room's defense systems, firing lasers at Deku. Seeing that he manages to dodge the shots, Flect Turn uses his mirror shields to reflect the lasers, making their trajectories more unpredictable and severely wounding Deku.
Deku is left lying on the ground, bleeding profusely. Flect turns on several screens to show him that there are only five minutes left before all the Trigger Bombs explode, as well as the heroes ā which includes Deku's classmates ā trying by all means to stop the detonation. Flect assures him that their efforts are in vain, but Deku gets up and claims him that he will stop him. The villain simply unleashes an onslaught of laser attacks at him. Despite being injured, seeing his friends desperately fighting to save everyone, Deku sets upright once more but can barely stand. Rody holds him to prevent him from falling to the ground.

Rody holds the wounded Deku.
Deku is surprised to see him there, but Rody assures him that everything is fine and takes the deactivation key from his pack. He reveals that Humarise have promised him not to detonate the bomb on Otheon in exchange for handing them over the key. Deku claims him that it is still possible to stop them, but Rody replies he can't win, and that he is willing to do anything in order to protect the lives of his siblings, just like his father did years ago.
It seems that Rody is willing to betray Deku and give the key to Flect, but then Deku sees Pino hiding in Rody's clothes. Recalling a conversation he had with him, the little bird is actually the physical manifestation of Rody's Quirk, Soul, which reflects his true intentions and feelings. Deku realizes that Rody is faking it.

Rody asks Deku to defeat Flect Turn no matter what.
At a signal from Pino, Deku attacks an unsuspecting Flect Turn as Rody runs to the control room with the deactivation key. Enraged, the villain repels Deku and reactivates the room's defense systems. Rody manages to dodge the shots and Deku destroys several of the laser guns with the Delaware Smash, but in the end, Rody is fatally wounded by one of the shots.
Deku tries to help him, but is held against the ground by Flect Turn. Despite his injury, Rody manages to get up and continues to make his way to the control room, claiming that he will deactivate the bombs. Flect Turn lunges to stop him but this time it is Deku who keeps him at bay, standing between him and Rody, assuring the villain that he won't let him pass.

Flect is surprised that his Quirk is getting weaker.
While Deku holds Flect Turn back, Rody makes it to the control system, however his injury is too severe, bleeding out before he is able to insert the shutdown device. From the oratory where he is fighting, Deku sees how Rody can't continue and tries to go to him, but Flect stops him. He sees the countdown continue and that there is less than a minute left for the Trigger Bombs to explode.
The leader of Humarise claims that there is no salvation for them, mocking that Rody has died for nothing, just like his father. Enraged, Deku attacks him, assuring him that he believes in Rody as he believes in heroes, and that none of them are going to give up.

An enraged Flect Turn attacks Deku violently.
Deku is rejected with each strike, but immediately returns to attack again no matter how many times he is stopped. The constant attacks begin to have an effect on Flect Turn's Quirk, who is surprised to realize that he is starting to budge. Noticing that his opponent's Quirk is getting weaker, Deku doesn't stop attacking him again and again, with the villain falling back even further which each strike.
Flect Turn himself is shocked to find out that his Reflect Quirk actually has a limit, something that he didn't know was possible in his life. Deku begins to dissect the reasons behind his motivations and beliefs, telling him that he just gave up on his Quirk instead of finding a way to control it, and that if he had tried he might be able to get along with people. Unable to accept he was wrong all this time, Flect Turn has a breakdown, demanding Deku to shut up and resorts to continue fighting him.

Deku defeats Flect Turn with United States of World Smash.
This time, both Deku and Flect Turn are evenly matched, hitting each other hard until Deku pushes beyond his limitations, unleashing the power of Full Cowl at 100%, and Flect Turn responds by pushing his Quirk to the limit as well. Deku begins to bombard him with a barrage of lightning-quick punches, overloading the Reflect Quirk until he can't take anymore hits and releases all the pent-up energy. Deku then uses this built-up energy to power his Ultimate Move: United States of World Smash, defeating Flect Turn and collapsing the entire room in which they are fighting with the shock wave.
After defeating him, Deku rushes to the control room to help Rody as the detonation countdown is about to end. Before losing consciousness, Flect Turn thinks that it is already too late to stop the activation of the Trigger Bombs.[1]

Deku and Rody celebrate having saved the world.
Upon reaching the control room, Deku is pleased to see that Rody is still alive, and had managed to get Pino to insert the deactivation card into the computer, managing to defuse the bombs with less than a second left for them to explode. Deku congratulates him for saving the lives of millions of people, and asks him to hold on until he can take him to a hospital. A semiconscious Rody asks him if he has managed to protect his family, and Deku replies he did, saying he is amazing. Rody then says that make him looks real cool, and both laughs.
With his achievement, heroes around the world defeat all members of Humarise. Otheon's security forces arrive at the cult base and arrest Flect Turn and all of his subordinates, rushing Deku, Rody, Bakugo, and Shoto to a hospital so they can treat their injuries. After recovering, Deku prepares to return to Japan with his team. Rody goes to the airport to seeing him off, and although he pretends that he is glad to be rid of Deku, Pino's reactions show that he will miss him. After saying goodbye, Rody decides to stop being a crook and gets a respectable job to help his siblings.[1]
My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission | |
Volume World Heroes | Endeavor's Mission ā¢ Hawks: Soothe |
Anime | My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission ā¢ Departure |
Battles and Events | Endeavor's Mission ā¢ Mission: Humarise (Otheon Team vs. Humarise ā¢ Bakugo & Shoto vs. Jewelry Villains ā¢ Deku vs. Rody Soul ā¢ Deku vs. Otheon Police & Beros ā¢ Deku vs. Beros & Rogone ā¢ Endeavor's Trainees vs. Beros & Sidero ā¢ Pro Heroes vs. Humarise ā¢ Bakugo vs. Serpenters ā¢ Shoto vs. Leviathan ā¢ Deku vs. Flect Turn) |