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My Hero Academia Wiki

Tomura Shigaraki: Destruction (死柄木弔: Destruction Shigaraki Tomura: Destruction?) is the fourth and final part of the "Memories" special recapping the events of Season 1 through Season 6. This episode focuses on Tomura Shigaraki and his determination to destroy the false hero society.


Recapping the following events:


  • This episode features the first opening and second ending of Season 6.
  • The episode features original footage of "Tomura" talking to All For One in their secret cave hideout.
    • Another original scene features Izuku and Katsuki Bakugo training in front of Troy in preparation for the Final War.
  • Several scenes have also been reanimated, including moments of Tomura's battle during the Paranormal Liberation War.
  • The episode concludes with a flashback to Star and Stripe's arrival to Japan, marking the beginning of the Star and Stripe Arc.

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